
Skiing in Taos Ski Valley?

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Skiing at Taos Ski Valley, March 14-23. I am going to have 3 people with me that are amateurs... I have considered putting them in the Yellowbird Package and then the Greenbird. If you have taken one of these lessons, could you tell me how effective it was? Anyway, thanks for the help. Also, shout to me if you are gonna be there same time!




  1. Taos is not a favorite place for beginners especially when they get there and look up at it.  But they won't be the first beginners to show up there and the ski school knows what to do with them.  Your amateurs should listen to the advice from the instructor school at Taos to be sure they are properly placed.

    speaking as a purist on the slopes who does not care for snowboards at all, I am sadly grieved to learn that Taos has been pressured by the local merchants to give in to the snowboard money.  If you had been skiing Taos for 38 years like me, you would probably feel the same.

    Here's some tips for long 'spring break lines'.  Do your lunch when others are not and ski when they are eating for shorter lift lines.  Many will tire towards the last hour of the day.  Ski hard then if you are not to tired.  be the first one on the lift at start of day.

    Have a great time.

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