
Skiing...weird question??

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What happens when you drop one of your poles while you're skiing downhill? I know that's pretty much impossible, but since i'm a beginner, i'm scared that might happen and i won't be able to stop, get back up the hill and retrieve it?

Then, what should i do?




  1. Well, chances are you won't drop your poles if they have straps on them. Although, if you do, it's very easy to fix the problem. Just keep skiing downhill, go back up on the chairlift,  ski down the hill again, stop where your pole is (you can trust no one will take it), pick it up, and voila! you have your pole once again.

  2. someone up hill will grab it happens all the time its not a big deal dont worry

  3. Put the strap around your wrist.  Put your hand UP through the strap and then grasp the grip down over the top of the strap.  That way you won't lose it.  If you do drop it, hike back up, but look up the trail and make sure your not in the way or in a blind spot.

  4. Usually someone else will get it for you and bring it to you.

    Skiers are pretty nice people. =)

  5. Use your wrist strap to keep them on.

    If you drop one, stop and go back to get it.

    9 out of 10 times someone will see you are stopped and see your pole and they will get it for you.

    I always stop when I can to help retrieve lost gear for other skiers.

    Then again...if it's rental stuff, just go back to the rental shop and tell them you lost the pole on "such-and-such" slope. They'll most likely just give you a new one after they poke fun at you for a minute.

    I looked in the lift shack at bottom of one of the slopes I patrolled at last night. There were eight sets of rental poles, most mismatched, and a few more outside just from this weekend. People lose them all of the time.

    The lifties will usually place non-rental poles outside the lift shack..someoene usually will bring stray poles down to the bottom of the slope they were found on.

  6. If you have straps on the poles you shouldn't lose them! However, if you do, turn to the side of the run and snowplow to stop. Then trudge back up to retrieve it. There might be a nicer person behind you who will stop and get it if they see you lose it. After the first day of lessons, I didn't use my poles anymore. It was better practice for me learning to use my legs more.

  7. ummm...okay if you get out of control, fall down lightly on purpose(to stop)...then when you get up, gain control and ski to where your pole is. you might even come across a nice person who can assit you. don't panic...have fun =]

  8. If you do happen to leave your pole behind while your flying down the mountain just leave it and get it when you go back down the hill again.

    The chances of that happening though aren't that likely.

  9. Good question. A part of a ski lesson concerns pole sizing and how to use them. Pole straps should 'safety' them. the hill and retrieve the pole or wait for a patrol skier to bring it to the lift! Most poles are dropped from the lift! Use the straps.

  10. keep the straps around to avoid this. but if you drop them, someone nice behind you will get them for you and if not just hike back up. have fun tearing it up 8)

  11. If you drop your pole? it will probaly be because you are going down. no worries have fun

  12. What happens when you drop your pole?  IT HITS the snow. Most skiers will leave a lost pole right where they find it if they can not see who lost it. Common courtesy is to stand the pole upright in the snow so you can get it on the next run or climb up to it, at the least.  If you are nearby and not readily able to climb up to it another skier will probably bring it down near you.

  13. KK U probably won't dropp ur polls. If u do, them just stop completely then turn yourself sideways. After u are comfident that you wont slip down the hill, step slowly sideways up the hill untill u reach ur polls. retrive ur polls and then proceed down the hill.

    Or u could remove ur ski from ur boots and walk back up the hill but it might be hard to get ur skiis back on.

    Make sure u slip the wrist bands on the polls around ur wrists. They definatly won't fall off that way =)

    Good Luck SKIING!!

  14. Be really carfeul that you dont let go of it.

  15. yell up to some other skiers to get it for you

  16. best thing to do is just finish your run, very carefully.  and take the lift back up to get it

  17. Good skiers can ski perfectly well with no poles.  As a beginner you are quite likely to fall soon after losing a pole!

    Then its a simple,if somewhat laborious, task to side step or herring-bone step back to your pole.  In many cases, another skier will simply stop and retrieve it for you.  No worries!  

    Its a real good idea to take a lesson, by the way!

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