
Skill Drain Deck.....Rate!?

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Vorse Raider

Gene-Warped Warewolf

Gene-Warped Warewolf

Gene-Warped Warewolf

Luster Dragon

Luster Dragon

Luster Dragon

Mask of Darkness

Fusilier Dragon

Fusilier Dragon

Majestic Mech-Ohka

Majestic Mech-Goryu

Majestic Mech-Goryu

Chainsaw Insect



D.D. Warrior Lady

Exiled Force

Monster Reborn

Heavy Storm

Double Summon

Lightning Vortex

A Feather of The Phoenix

Mystical Space Typhoon

Premature Burial

Brain Control

Skill Drain

Skill Drain

Skill Drain

Divine Wrath

Divine Wrath




Royal Oppression



Negate Attack

Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute




  1. 6/10 - I see what you are trying to do with the normal-type beatsticks, and it's not bad. However, it could be better. this is what i'd recommend:

    Monsters (24)

    3x Gene-Warped Warwolf

    3x Gemini Elf

    3x Vorse Raider

    3x Luster Dragon

    2x La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp

    2x Neo Bug

    2x Frostosaurus

    2x Blazing Impachi

    2x Gilgarth

    2x Insect Knight

    Spells (12)

    2x Non-Spellcasting Area

    2x Heart of the Underdog

    2x One-Man Cell Battle

    1x Lightning Vortex

    1x Premature Burial

    1x Book of Moon

    1x Mystical Space Typhoon

    1x Heavy Storm

    1x Smashing Ground

    Traps (8)

    3x Birthright

    2x Rising Energy

    1x Magic Cylinder

    1x Torrential Tribute

    1x Mirror Force

  2. man im sry 0/10. look im not gonna try and look through all that, i used a skill drain deck, let me show u it and try and get as close to it as u can

    Fusilier dragon X3

    Majestic Mech-Ohka X3

    Chainsaw Insect X3

    Exiled Force X2 (can still be used because his effect activates after you sacrifice him)

    Goblin Attack Force X2

    Giant Orc X2

    A cat of ill omen X2

    Armor Exe X3

    Swords of Revealing Light


    Lightning Vortex

    Creature Swap

    Brain Control

    Heavy Storm

    Nobleman of Crossout

    Shield Crush X3

    Card Trader

    Monster Reborn

    Premature Burial

    Skill Drain X3

    Sakuretsu X2

    Mirror Force

    Torrential tribute

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