

by Guest55696  |  earlier

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i am getting either a exile or victoria skimboard i ridin on every brand and know the differences between them. what i wanna know is the difference between smooth board surface and a textured board surface and how should i sand a textured board to put on my decals and pads?




  1. This is not exCtly my area of expertise is skimboarding, but if you use a textured board, is it absolutely necessary to sand the board. I think they'll stick just fine. I mean, they probably won't stay on that long, but if it's already textured, why put pads on it. Actually everything I've said is not very good information. What I DO know, is that for riding waves and for decals and pads, I would recommend a smooth board. If you are just doing flatland skimming I like that textured board, but in your case, the smooth seems a lot better...Hope I helped!!

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