
Skimpy Volleyball uniforms are forced by regulation--how is this NOT sexist?

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While it is very obvious while watching this Olympic female sports that the women are wearing far less than their male counterparts, I was not aware that this has been forced by REGULATION.

It is an official requirement that women play in bikinis whose sides do not exceed 6cm of material.

Now if the uniforms were created and worn by choice, that's no big deal-- it would be the female athletes idea (or choice). However, it does not seem to be a choice but REGULATION. Is this fair? The India Volleyball team actually had to argue to be allowed to wear shorts and a T-shirt and were allowed so only because of "cultural reasons".

Do you think

1) men should be forced by regulation to wear uniforms similarly skimpy (but fit for the male body) if women are continued to be forced to wear such uniforms

and 2) is forcing such uniforms degrading the sport and reducing athletes to nothing more than a "T&A" (t*ts and @ss) show?

**some of the athletes themselves comment on the uniforms in this article:




  1. Must disagree with you for first time I think. Many sports have uniform requirements. For tennis you must wear tennis shoes, not running shoes, professional boxers must be shirtless, NBA teams have team uniforms which must be worn, etc.

    Plus, it's beach volleyball, not indoor volley ball. The more clothes you have on in the sand the more the sand rubs your skin and gets caught in the clothing. Less is more at the beach. I know, I live there.

    I don't think the human body or person is being degraded unless s*x is being used to acheive a mean. I don't think this is the case here. I mean some people are turned on by shoes. Does that mean no one should be allowed to wear shoes anymore because it is too sexual?

    I still think you are the best though!

  2. Who really cares.  If more women in the sport had a problem with it, they would say so and get this "rule" changed.  You just want to see men in banana hammocks you pervs. BTW Its BEACH volleyball.  When you go to the beach you see women in bikini's. Oh and btw again, Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh are considered the best beach volleyball team ever, male or female.

  3. Return to the tradition of performing the Olympics in the nude.

  4. Blame it on men. It's their fault the women's uniform for beach volleyball is a bikini. It's also their fault for designing s**y clothing. It's their fault for exploiting s*x and profiting from it. They're the ones who ultimately choose what clothing women should be buying at the stores. They're the ones who run corporate america and the government.

    It's extremely sexist and women need to stand up for their rights.

    Men will never wear skimpy uniforms for volleyball as long as other men are making the decision. Honestly though a man's body isn't as attractive as a womans, I think both sexes can agree on that.  

  5. It's not like the women are topless, but then again being topless would be counter productive in a sporting event even if it didn't bother anybody and was socially acceptable, because it would be hard for women to move freely and well with their b***s flopping around, lol, so support is essential regardless for sports. But excluding the olympics, last time I checked, the men played shirtless. I think the men wear shirts or tanks is to show the team or country they are representing, as just shorts might still not be as easily seen on television for the country they are playing for. Having something on top shows more of country or more of the logo can be seen easily even if it's more skimpy. Yes, I'm sure the skimpy bikinis are used to get people to watch the women's volleyball, particularly men.

  6. Degrading? Perhaps. But sexist? No. All sports in the Olympics, whether men or women, have some sort of dress code.

  7. Blah has a point...spartans used the Olympics as a s*x parade everyone was nude.

    Was watching this the day both the americans and the chinese spent half the time fiddling with there uniforms. Tug here, pull there  The outfits are getting in the way of the sport.  

  8. Feminism has hit rock bottom.

    In modern times, they wear conservative swimsuits. It they some of you just returned from the 1950's. It isn't like they are pushed out there with pastes and a thong. When women go to the beach, they wear bikinis or some sort of swim wear. It replicates real life.

    Anybody with a sports IQ cares about women's basketball.

    I do agree with the feminist stance towards the women track uniforms.They should wear the same thing as the men.

  9. Yes they should be forced to wear the same - and if their  b**** fall out so be it!

  10. Yeah, I agree with you......but it's nice to see :o)

  11. You'd think by now that they would have found a way to make volleyball worth watching without pandering to the most basic of human instincts.


    "In addition to tradition, sports uniforms for both men and women are often changed by fashion. "

    About Beach volleyball uniforms:

       One-pieces also have the unfortunate side effect of trapping sand where it doesn't belong.   "When you dive, the sand goes down the top and collects in the bottom," McPeak, 39, said.  She wore a one-piece at the request of her sponsor at a tournament in the mid-1990s. "It looked great on TV, but it was not the most comfortable thing," she said." - Holly McPeak

       And the uniforms reflect the history of the sport: Men and women traditionally play beach volleyball in their swimsuits. The federation-sanctioned, competition suits, she said, cover more than a traditional bikini.

       McPeak said most of the women on the AVP Crocs Tour, which she plays on, wear bikinis a lot smaller than those worn at the Olympics. And men on the AVP Tour typically don't wear a shirt, which McPeak said is a welcome change from FIBV regulations.

    About track uniforms:

      Tom Surber, media information manager for USA Track & Field, said that American athletes don't have any regulations on what style of clothing they wear and there aren't different standards for men and women.

       The rules say very little about clothing, focusing instead on shoes and the bibs that athletes wear to identify themselves. The International Association of Athletics Federations regulations speak mostly to advertising rules on competition clothing rather than the attire itself.

    About the Australian's basketball uniform:

       And basketball uniforms for both men and women have gone from the tighter clothing and shorter shorts in favor of baggier tops and shorts that evoke an urban, hip-hop style.

       Female Australian basketball players competed in skintight bodysuits for years, before giving them up in 2005.

       "It didn't catch on," Snyder said.

  13. As long as men have to wear them too, it's fair, right?

  14. I have brought up the point that many workplaces require men to wear pants at all times of the year, but women can wear skirts and dresses, and at some places, even shorts, when it's hot, but men can't wear shorts.  We have to suffer through the heat.  I have been told if I don't like it, that I don't have to work there.

    I'll say that here.  If the women don't like it, they don't have to play.  Is it sexist?  Yeah, but they continue to play, so it's not a big concern of mine.  When they stand up and start to protest, I'll listen.

    It's not the uniforms that are that sexist in my opinion.  It's the way the volleyball is covered with explicit butt shots.  You could do that with sweatpants I guess though.

  15. well this is a world dominated by men so these things tend to happen since they rather see the female body than the male.

    Personally I don't have a problem playing in a bikini since I'm physically more confortable in one and I can pull it off lol. plus if I was a volley ball player I wouldn't care if I was seen as T&A because I know I'm not and those are men's kryptonite lol. I know other girls don't feel the same they may be modest,self concious or religious.

    I think it should definatly be on the girl not the guys that enforces these rules to get more views

  16. I second Blah's answer, it would be a veritable ratings bonanza!

  17. Personally, even skimpy uniforms aren't enough to get me to watch women's beach volleyball.

    1.) But yes, if women are forced by regulation to wear skimpy uniforms, then men should similarly be forced by regulation.

    2.) I'm not sure how much impact the skimpy uniforms have on viewership (I would guess a lot). But at some point, if that's what it takes to get people to watch, a few viewers might pick up interest in playing.

  18. I'm with Blah.

    If they really want ratings then revert to the traditional way and make everyone go nude.

    Then we wouldn't have any of this "Oh dear me what to wear" c**p.

    Now that's a sexualized ratings extravaganza right there.

  19. These uniforms clearly as designed to entice male viewers. Frankly, they look very uncomfortable. The women are constantly having to adjust them and the bottoms look like they're giving them wedgies. It reminds me of the red swimsuits the female lifeguards wore in the TV series "Baywatch". They did not fit well and some of the actresses said they were uncomfortable but they were considered s**y.

    As for the comment about not looking good in a bikini, there are plenty of women who choose not to wear bikinis even though they have great bodies. Some do it out of modesty and others do it as a way to try to limit their sun exposure. Whenever I go to the beach, I always wear T-shirts. I do it as a way to keep my back and chest from getting sunburned.

  20. i play beach volleyball too, and i think that it is degrading. the bikinis have nothing to do with your ability to play the sport, you can wear a one piece and be just as comfortable, and there is less of a chance of anything "falling out"

    i think if women have to wear bikinis in order to play, males should have to wear something equally degrading.

  21. Don't we have more important issues to address?

    Yes, we are sexual beings and if we have an opportunity to exploit the sexual component of any given activity we will.  Is it fair or ethical?  Probably not.  Is it as important as voting rights or education/employment opportunities?  I don't think so.

    We all like the eye let's just make sure men and women have equal opportunity to enjoy it.

  22. Thank you so much for the link to that article is was great.  I agree that this has taken the T&A to far. I think men should have to wear outfits equal to the women but in a more manly way of course.  Maybe the volleyball playing boys could wear really tight bike pants and no tops.... I am sure that would make them cooler in the hot sun right?  Please!  BS!  

    I think it does degrade the sport when you have to turn it into an audition for playboy.

  23. Millions of play beach volleyball in bikinis by choice.  What's the big deal?

    1) Men should wear what's best for their sport and women should wear what's best for their sport.

    2) This is BEACH volleyball.  Young, fit women usually wear bikinis on the beach, so it's not at all degrading.  

    If Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh aren't complaining.

    Anybody that has a problem with it should refuse to be a professional beach volleyball player

  24. It's completely sexist, as are many uniforms around the world.  My ex school still made 15 year old females run around in sports knickers and gym skirts.  I wish someone could tell me why Linford Christie goes faster in what he wears, but a woman would not.  Or if so, why Linford Christie isn't wearing them.  Amusingly, the Olympics once barred women participants and observers on the grounds that the athletes performed nude, the better to show off their 'physique'.  Seems to me that's what some women's sports are still more about, rather than athletic ability.  Good for the India volleyball team - the muslim girls at our school got to wear tracksuit pants and I think it starts a precedent that's hard to stop.  Hopefully more of these women will start to put their foot down about choosing the best sportswear for them  :-)

  25. Yes, of course it is both sexist and degrading. It also ensures that women don't play as well as they might. I don't think men should be forced to wear something equally skimpy - both men and women should be given the option to wear fitted outfits or loose vests and shorts.

  26. Yes i do believe that this very sexist and degrading! There shouldn't any reason why women should be looking all skimpy with there butt hanging out! they should be allowed to wear shorts at least such sports such as volleyball and track! I it's by regulation then men uniforms should just as skimpy but for a men of course! This is such a double standard because it seems like they are exploiting women's body's  to their advantage with all those skimpy and S****y uniforms they are forced to wear against their will!

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