
Skin cancer advice treatment and consultation timescales.?

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Hi my wife has had a small area of skin itching on her back for the past two months, it is near; or within a group of freckles. She attended the doctors today, and was told that although it is very unspecific, and only very slightly reddened, the doctor was going to refer her to a skin speciallist to have it investigated, although the Doctor thought it was "non urgent" my wife has private health insurance, so she is to be seen in a weeks time, I haven't got pots of money, but do you think I should get her in to see a speciallist sooner, is not time of the essence in these matters?

And if it is a "nasty" what is the treatment, call me worried!!




  1. If she will be seeing her doctor within the week, she should be OK.  The dermatologist probably will do a biopsy and have the specimen sent out for a pathologic evaluation.  That's the best way to get a clear diagnosis.  Often the biopsy will also effect a complete cure.  Depending on what the pathology shows, she may need to have additional surgery to remove the lesion if any was left behind after the biopsy, but that probably only would happen if it was malignant or premalignant.  There are so many things that it could be.  

    So, make sure she keeps her appointment.  A week's wait should be OK, but I wouldn't wat any longer than that,

    God bless.  

  2. If your GP says it's not urgent, then you can rest assured it's not urgent.

    The specialist will take a good look at the area and make a decision on what action to take, if any.

    Most treatments are superficial and involve the use of liquid nitrogen to freeze the area and stop anything nasty happening.

    Treatments of this kind are very very successful, so there's no need to worry.

  3. My suggestion is trying to obsord as much information as you can before making up your mind,here is a good one.

  4. I wouldn't be too concerned and a weeks wait will be fine.

    Doctors are now well versed in spotting potential serious problems and many refer as an extra precaution.

    Also, you shouldn't concern yourself with treatments.

    If there is a problem, some may be treated via a simple cream, use of silver nitrate or a very simple removal process. The type of treatment will depend on the identfied problem.

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