
Skin care help <span title="!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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wat are good product to get rid of pimples????????

type of skin: sensitive/oily




  1. There are amazing remedies for getting rid of them quickly but idk if it&#039;ll work for sensitive skin, but you may try it(:

    1. horse radish:

    after cleansing skin put a dot of horseradish on ur pinple for about 15 minutes. WARNING: may sting for about  minutes and don&#039;t put under eyes or your eyes will sting too.

    2. use the wave or neutragena products.

    for me they work the best and my sking type is the same as yours(:

    3. use head and shoulders:

    it works GREAT! i love it. just use it as a cleanser twice a day, 3 days a week.

    4. use apple cider vinegar:

    it helps prevent breakouts and it drys out the pimples very well((:

    good luck...

  2. Clean and clear or neutrogena. i use the neutrogena oil-free acne wash along with the wave. It works awsomely!!!!! And neutrogena is more for oily skin, clean and clear is better for dry/normal.

    also....if you have one single pimple that needs to be gone fast, try...


    toothpaste, or

    plain rubbing alcohol         :) good luck!!

  3. Proactiv works for me, or you can use a Neutrogena product like SkinID, or a product that does not make your skin hold moisture. Try an astringent.

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