
Skin peeling because of sun burn wat can my friend put on her face to help?

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(Friends Question)

My face is peeling because I recently had a sun burn and I have been using that aloe stuff. W.e its called and its working but my skin is peeling. Is there anything I can put on it to help it. Cause I have to go to school tomorrow and I dont want to look horrible. lol . Can I put Lotion on my face?

Please no rude comments ... thanks in advance




  1. You should just keep putting aloe on it. There isn't much you can do since it's already peeling. But I don't think you should try to put regular skin lotion on it. It might have bad effects on the new delicate skin under the stuff that is peeling off.  

  2. Take a good warm no-soap shower. Don't rub your skin with anything, like a cloth (which can be rough and aggravate sunburned skin) or towel. Just rinse anything off your skin. Do this for about 10 minutes. Do not stay in the water longer than 10 minutes because too much water exposure right after a sunburn will dry out your sunburned skin even more making it even more itchier. But rinsing off the residue is a must!

    Once out of the shower "pat" yourself dry with a towel. DO NOT RUB SUNBURNED SKIN WITH A TOWEL!

    If you have a clean spray bottle fill it up with ordinary every day vinegar. Yep, vinegar. You say "I am not spraying that stinky stuff on my body." Well, don't say that until you try it. The smell almost totally vanishes from your skin after about an hour. Spread a towel on the floor/carpet and move any unnecessary objects you don't want sprayed out of the way. (For arm spraying -I usually stand on the towel and lean over the sink). Spray the vinegar on your sunburned parts ONLY. Let it drip and dry. DO NOT RUB! If severely burned spray lightly again on sunburned area after a few minutes. You may pat vinegar after about 5 minutes if still dripping. Usually, the vinegar is dry by 5 minutes or less. After vinegar is dry, you can get dressed. I have never had dried vinegar on my skin damage any of my clothes. Wear comfortable clothes which are not tight or covering sunburned area(s) if possible. The sunburn needs to be exposed to air and not covered. I am telling you, on my skin, this vinegar is a miracle worker. It's a wonder product. Meaning, I wonder how it works so well. (If you don't have a spray bottle, be careful and pour a little vinegar the cloth and pat it wear sunburned.)

    Immediately after applying to my skin, I feel relief. My sunburn does not itch, does not sting, and does not hurt. You may still get joint point from a deeper burn but not on the outside. NO skin pain. Make sure you are not allergic to vinegar or anything in it.

    The next step is to apply the vinegar again approximately 4 hours later, or if your skin starts burning again. Results will vary with individual people. After second or third application of vinegar, I suggest a product that goes hand in hand with the vinegar. This is an ever so important part of the remedy. After 3 or 4 coats of vinegar or the next day...whenever stinging stops without using the vinegar (usually the next day), apply some sort of cream (moisturizer).If you are not severely sunburned, after 2 coats of vinegar the stinging should stop. Applying the moisturizer gives your skin a calm, cooling, refreshing sensation while replenishing your skin with moisture. The moisturizer can be used on all areas of the skin on your body, including the face. Apply moisturizer every 4 hours. If done faithfully, according to my experiences, severely lobster-like sunburned skin will NOT peel and be dry. Therefore you keep your tan.

    While doing the remedy listed above...if I'm extremely sunburned, I also drink 3 full glasses of water over the course of the day since our skin is deprived of so much water when sunburned. I believe this helps also in replenishing lost water to the skin. If it's hard for you to drink that much water at least drink 1 or 2 full glasses.

  3. If it is peeling really I would mix tea tree oil with your mosturizer.

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