
Skin problem! big one! please help =]

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my skin is breaking out on the right side of my face really badly and idk why! im using murad and it worked good in the begining but idk what happening. does anybody know what to do?!




  1. Acne is well known as the bane of a teenager's existence. But whether it's stress or genetics, some of us still get breakouts long past adolescence, and even into middle age! Here are some basic, yet effective acne-fighting recipes. No outlandish ingredients, no chemicals, no infomercials needed! Incorporate these easy-to-make recipes into your regular facials, and see the results!

    Depending on your skin, you may find that some work better than others for your individual needs, so try them all at least once. Rotate the most effective remedies to ensure you do not over-expose your skin to certain ingredients, which may be too strong for daily use.

    Masks and Packs

    For use 1-2 times a week.

    Baking Soda-Bran Pack

       1. Mix 1/4 cup bran or oatmeal with 2 tsp baking soda.

       2. Add enough water to make a thick paste.

       3. Apply liberally all over face, avoiding eyes.

       4. Leave on 15-20 minutes.

       5. Rinse gently with warm water.

    Garlic Mask

       1. Peel and crush eight cloves of fresh garlic.

       2. Apply to face, avoiding eye area.

       3. Leave on 10-15 minutes.

       4. Wash off with a warm cloth.

    Tomato-Honey Mask

       1. Mix 1/2 tsp camphor lotion, 1/2 tsp tomato juice, and 1/2 tsp honey.

       2. Apply paste to face, avoiding eye area.

       3. Leave on 15 minutes.

       4. Wash with luke-warm water, then rinse with cold.

    Milk-Lime Peel

       1. Boil 1/4 cup whole milk.

       2. Mix in juice of one fresh lime, and 1 tsp glycerin.

       3. Apply to face, avoiding eye area.

       4. When dry, peel or wash off with warm water.

    Toners and Tonics

    Apply after mask for best results.

    Basil Tonic

       1. Boil 1 cup water.

       2. Steep 2-3 tsp basil leaves for 15 minutes.

       3. Strain, let cool.

       4. Apply to face and neck with cotton ball or pad.

    Vinger-Honey Toner

       1. Mix 3 Tbsp honey into 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar.

       2. Stir until completely dissolved.

       3. Store in refrigerator 3 days, stirring daily.

       4. Apply to face and neck with cotton ball or pad.

    Peppermint Face Tea

       1. Boil 1 cup water.

       2. Steep peppermint tea bag for 10 minutes.

       3. Remove tea bag and let cool.

       4. Apply to face and neck with cotton ball or pad.

    Aloe-Thyme Tonic

       1. Stir 2 tsp thyme into 1 cup aloe vera juice.

       2. Store in airtight container.

       3. Let sit in refrigerator overnight.

       4. Shake mixture, strain thyme out, leaving liquid.

       5. Apply to face and neck with cotton ball or pad.

    Spot Treatments

    For those last-minute emergencies, try these on-the-spot remedies. (No pun intended!)

        * Apply a paste of ground radish seeds and distilled water to dry up blackheads.

        * Put a dab of toothpaste on pimples for overnight relief.

        * For breakouts, mix 1 Tbsp corn flour with 1 egg white and apply to   area.

    hope i helped ! =)

  2. Make sure you wipe off your cell or phone. Don't touch your face too! I used to get a lot of pimples on my chin and then when I made sure to stop touching my skin -- I stopped getting acne there.

    I also use Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment. That stuff works miracles!  

  3. Since it on the right side of your face, is your hair in your face, or do you sleep on that side of your face, what about telephones?  Sometimes its oil and bacteria that we pick up from items.

    change your pillowcases regualarly

    Take an alchol swipe to wipe off your phones

    And try to keep any hair oils off your face and see it this helps.

  4. I am a Registered Nurse and I specialize in skin care and teen acne.

    Your question is very broad and you need to get professional advice. I will explain why it's a broad question!

    Your age plays a role! How old are you? Do you always have breakouts or just before your menstrual cycle?

    If you are a teenager ( which I assume that you are) your hormones play a definite role in your breakouts.

    If you have severe breakouts than you might need medication. There are many factors.

    The most important thing is that you need products that are AGE APPROPRIATE!  Every age group has different products appropriate for them. If you are young than you need milder products as to not dry out your beautiful young skin.

    The problem with commercial skin products is that they are manufactured for MASSES OF PEOPLE and are not specifically made for different peoples' needs.

    Your skin type is different than mine and your age differs from mine so how is it logical that we both use the same skin product for breakouts. We need different strengths of cleansers and toners. Do you kind of understand what I am getting at?

    Here is my STRONG SUGGESTION for you.  I refer all my students and patients to this website:

    You need to consult with professionals and on this website YOU CAN ASK QUESTIONS FOR FREE AND A SKIN EXPERT/PHYSICIAN WILL ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS. It would be a shame if you dont take advantage of this free service.

    Lastly, they have incredible products for breakouts and they make them specifically for every kind of skin type. That means that if your breakouts are more severe than mine, than while we both will buy the same product yours will have stronger ingredients than mine will.

    They have a mild glycolic acid cleanser that's great for your type of skin and also a DRYING LOTION ( I have 3 bottles) that you put directly on your breakouts and the next day it's gone. It's truely magic in a bottle.

    A basic guideline for properly taking care of your skin is this ( now if you're a young girl you will need fewer products than this):

    Night time:

    1. Exfoliate the skin

    2. Mild Glycolic Acid Cleanser

    3. Mild Glycolic Acid Toner ( cleans off the excess debris and balances the PH level of the skin).

    4. Drying Lotion used only on breakouts

    5. Moisturizer


    1. Mild Glycolic Acid Cleanser

    2. Moisturizing cream

    The above is a standard you may need to only use one or two products. Viisit the website I suggested and click on the ASK FOR FREE section send them an email and you will get free expert skin care advice.

    Good Luck to you,


  5. Do you often rest your head on your hand? The oils from your hand can jam up your pores. If you sleep on your side and that side of your face is on your pillow, then the pillow is just aggravating the pores and aiding in the growth of bacteria. Finally, make sure you keep your hair off of your face when you're sleeping, either with a headband, barrettes, or a ponytail. I had horrible acne on my forehead when I had bangs, and on my chin when I had my hair down at night. Now I keep it in a ponytail on top of my head.

    Getting acne on one side of your face almost certainly is caused by one of those first two things, based on my experience.

  6. sometimes you need to vary the products you are using. I think those darn pimples get immune to the products we use.

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