
Skin rash after the MMR vaccine??

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My 1 year old son had his set of vaccinations almost 2 weeks ago and yesterday he developed a pretty bad rash over the trunk of his body and up his neck and somewhat on his face. I read that the MMR shot can cause a mild skin rash as a reaction, but this rash seems worse than mild. Have any other parents experienced this problem with their kids and should I be concerned?




  1. hi I am online trying to find info on this rash also. My son had his shot on the 19th and he went to the urrgent care yesterday the 4th of december. 15 days later the drs told my husband that his all over head to toe skin rash was from the MMR vaccine. I mean how and why is it dangerouse is it catchy? im really worried im not sure what to do?

  2.  My son had his mmr & TDap vaccination 6 weeks ago and had a very severe scary looking rash about 10 days after.  It cleared up but ever since he breaks out in a less severe rash every couple of days or so.  I can't find anything on an ongoing rash of this sort.  I am sure it is from his vaccination, but now the dr thinks I should have him checked out for food allergies, his diet has not changed.  I am very concerned that this will not go away.  Has anyone else seen this happen?  


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