
Skin under my eye....?

by Guest64804  |  earlier

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ok. so on the skin under my eyes, i have this dark purplish/pinkish color. and its like an inch long reachin from the sides on side of my nose to the middle part under my eye. i have been asked many times if i've been punched. and if i stretch the skin (like pull it down with my finger) the colorness moves, so its like just a patch of skin that has this coloring under it or in it or whatever. i get on average atleast 8 hours of sleep per night, i'm 16. i can only remember having this for the past like 3 years. i have itchy eyes in the spring and so i take allergy medicince all year long. i don't smoke, drink or do drugs or anything. i'm very clean when it comes to that kinda stuff. i've tried puting creams and stuff on the skin and it doesn't do anything. it just looks very unatractive, and since i'm in my teen years, it is a very big deal. so please help me! if you know what causes it, how to treat it, who to ask or go to, etc. THANKS!




  1. umm who cares

  2. 1. try getting more sleep to atleast 9-10 hours every night.  

    2. Get a tan to blend the color out.

    3. Put ice or cold cucumbers on your eyes.

    4. Use foundation to cover it up.

    5. Go see a doctor.
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