
Sking Question?

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ok i have been watching Warren Millers movies and i just want to be a good skier. I mean i tried it before but does anybody know any school for sking in ohio




  1. Contact your nearest ski resorts, they can give you a list of ski schools that teach there. Take a series of lessons and practice, practice, practice.

      Warren Miller makes some of the best movies ever about the ski life, the skiers in his movies range from never skied before to the best in the world. Many who are in the films did not know they were in them until 2 years later when they saw themselves in a clip.  The stars always know, the group extras and the background don't.

      If you want to be a good skier, do exercises to improve your balance on one foot and blindfolded, also jump rope through the summer, and jump two footed in place and land in the same place you started.

    It does take money and time to become a good skier.

  2. Why don't you just go take lessons at the ski resort near you?

    I am a beginner skiier however after one lesson I already ski the novice trails well.  Heading up to the blue hills this saturday.

  3. Well, you obviously have seen some good skiing after seeing Warren Miller films, now you just need to hit the slopes! As others have said, the best solution is to contact the closest resort near you and get some ski lessons. After that, if you want to truly become a good skier, you've got to get your butt out of the East and head on over to the West! Take some lessons out there, and you're destined to get better.

    I know that this isn't the case for everyone, but I'm not going to lie and say that you've got to work very hard to become a good skier. All you need is the determination to get out there and ski and a genuine love for the sport, and you'll be carvin' some double diamond powder in no time.
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