
Skinhead or Neo-n**i? Which term would you use in promoting a reformed white supremacist speaker?

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I happen to think that skinhead is an off-putting term that will make people throw away a flier for the Anti-Hate event. Other people invovled in the event think that we should use skinhead because what's what the speaker refers to himself as, and they don't want to mislead the public. I think that the term NeoNazi communicates the same thing but isn't as harsh a word to use in advertising to the general public and business community.




  1. When you say "reformed white supremacist speaker", do you mean that the speaker no longer believes in white supremacy?  If so, stay as far away from BOTH terms as possible.  "Skinhead" and "Neo-n**i" (in the ears of the layman) are more or less the exact same word.  But saying "Former Neo-n**i" might be better for the cause.

  2. You can't put Skinhead as a n**i, NEVER. Real Skins aren't racist.

  3. I dont think it really matters as long as you are sure to say FORMER skinhead.

    you could also say former NEO-n**i skinhead, as there are several types of skinheads and not all are racist or politcally driven, such as Trads, R.A.C., S.H.A.R.P., Oi, etc....

  4. If he says he is a former skinhead, then that's what he is.

  5. i agree with you i think skin head is just nice word to call them then calling them n***s

  6. I think Skinhead and Neo-n**i would be pretty much interchangable, as a matter of fact, I think even having "n**i" in a promo is probably more shocking than Skinhead. People know that they are the same thing though.

  7. I agree with the first poster. There is a big difference between a Skinhead and a Neo-n**i. Also, as the others have indicated, be sure to use the term "former" in your introduction.

  8. Ex - Neo-n**i or Reformed Bonehead: Original Skinheads were not racists, Neo-n**i infiltrated the skinhead scene and called themselves skinheads while true skinheads called them boneheads. The original skinheads first appeared in England in the late 1960's. White, working-class kids who couldn't afford to keep up with the increasingly expensive tastes of the mod movement adopted their own, style, placing their emphasis on clean, practical clothing and the skinhead hairstyle which was suitable for work, hygiene and fighting.  An influx of working-class immigrants from the West Indies brought the these kids into direct contact with the Carribean youth subculture of the rude boys, who introduced this developing subculture to the joys of ska and reggae and the rugged individualism that was their trademark. Never at odds with each other, the members of these two youth subcultures united, and skinheads were the result. The original skins were black and white, and listened to ska music (a faster, more danceable predecessor to reggae), as well as soul and blue beat.

    These skins had a tough, clean style which expressed their working-class backgrounds, wearing Doc Marten workboots, Levis jeans, donkey jackets, and suspenders (called "braces"). At dances they would wear flashy suits, and youth from Britain and the West Indies would mix freely, openly admiring and adapting each other's music, style and culture. Racial violence by "skinheads" was practically non-existent at this point. How could there be when the skinhead style grew out of black culture, and skins listened to black music?!

    You may get a lot of backlash from S.H.A.R.P.S. (skin heads against racial prejudice) for further defacing the name of the skinheads.

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