
Skinheads vs The Black Panther Party is there a difference?

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Would you conclude that the New Black Panther party embodies the same racist make up of groups like the Skinheads? And does each group make interesting points to support their ideology?


black panther:




  1. uhhh no...first(fact) the black panther established schools for the black community, protection from the brutality and being murdered by the police, they registered voters, taught slef defense and they were trying to keep drugs out of the community. secondly skinheads,kkk, and the aryan nation despise blacks and want to kill them(us) off, they believe blacks dont deserve an education and that blacks destroyed america(its the other way around). read a book!!!

  2. Racism is Racism NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK AT IT !!!sad but true ......

  3. The only difference I can see in these 2 parties is that one is for black racists and one is for white racists. A racist is a racist no matter what the color of his skin.  And I find nothing  interesting in the so called points of either party .

       It seems to me , that these are just extremists pushing their own ignorant agendas .  Both need scapegoats to blame their problems on and they both go for he obvious.

            I just see more ignorance here.

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