
Skinny and Eating??

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Whenever I go into a fast food place... which I do maybe about two or three times a week I sometimes see overweight people.

I usually eat a lot, but in small portions. I have a pretty fast metobolism.

Anyway... I feel bad sometimes when I eat at Mcdonalds, because of the overweight people there.

I am wonder... if any of you are a little above average... do you feel upset or kinda depressed when you see skinny people (like me) eating a big mac?




  1. Thats an interesting question, I have Cystic Fibrosis so I have to take in 5,000calories a day which most know is a lot!  Luckily I get feedings while I sleep which account for 2,400 calories but I still need to consume on top of that, an extra 1,000 calories above the normal person.  I would say from my perspective that I wouldn't know what to think because I can't imagine ever getting bigger and I know when I am in the hospital and I am forced to take in lots of calories, I tend to feel real sick and even gaining 10-20 pounds putting me at 150lbs makes me miserable because it takes so much to do it!  I do realize though that my metabolism and poor absorbtion are the cause of that but I just can't imagine only eating a little bit and not being able to lose weight?  I don't understand how this is possible but I experienced this with my fiance, she was on a diet and her birth control and other medications made her gain weight even if she didn't eat that much!  She would literally eat 1,500 calories a day max and most days she only ate 800 and burned way over a 1,000 yet she didn't lose any weight? How is that possible? She did that for a month and gained 1 pound!  So metabolisms are tricky things, I wonder if anyone out there just thinks that bigger people are weak and not able to control themselves or if people realize that a person's metabolism has an enormous impact on their ability to process calories.  I am sure the people who are at McDonalds and are unable to eat much without gaining lots of weight do look at skinny people with an envious nature.  Can you blame them?  I feel bad for people with weight issues cause in today's society it is hard to diet, exercise and stay healthy!  BUT, the first step is definitely not eating fast greasy food!  Good luck to anyone with this infliction, my heart goes out to you!

  2. h**l yeah, I hate thin people who can eat whatever they like and stay that way. I am medium-sized and have to diet to stay a size 6-8. And I especially hate skinny ***** that brag and laugh at fat people.

  3. Nope...Not at all.  I am not a "big" person, nor am I small, but I am a little over average. If I was offended by anyone eating around me, I would take my food to go.

  4. I typically don't feel bad when I see a fat person in a fast food place, I feel sorry for them that they chose to live in that way and don't seem to see a way around eating more food that'll just make them fatter. But I do'nt let their weight issues effect how I enjoy my good meal! Yum fries.

  5. Hi,

    i'm a thin person.  i have never felt bad stuffing my face with good food when an overweight person was around.  i am not that concerned about my thinness and how envious heavy people may be of me.

    i suggest you eat and enjoy your food, as the heavy people eating the same food are, without any concern for how skinny you are.

  6. It does not bother me to see skinny people eat good food. When I go to a restaurant  to eat I don't wonder if that skinny girl in the next booth is talking about me or saying to herself that girl needs to go on a diet, or she don't need that food. It never crosses my mind, I am just enjoying my food. I am currently trying to lose weight by exercising and eating less. So far I have lost 5lbs. Oh and by the way WaterLil people don't choose to be fat and live that way. Sometimes it is hereditary, medical problems, and of course having children. After you have children it is hard to lose the weight like in my case. Then there are those like you mentioned who don't eat right, eat fried foods all the time and don't exercise. But not all people are like that. There are those out there that are trying to get fit and healthy so they can live a little longer and be around for there kids and grandkids.

  7. no, because your probably in your 20's, wait until you get older
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