
Skinny but stomach sticks out?

by  |  earlier

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is there a way to flatten my stomach so that it does not extend past my pelvic bones?

im really thin, i have no fat on my stomach at all. i have a 4 pack, working on a 6 pack, but my stomach always looks bloated? it sticks out kind of far with no fat though? is there a way to get my stomach to not stick out and look bloated but to stay in? why does it do this?





  1. it may just be ur body make up. but if you are not doing this already which it sounds like you maybe, when doing your sit up or abdominal work.. so you get the just of it lay down flat on your back do your pelvic tilt pulling your rib and your hip bones to meet... head stays on floor making sure that you chin is fist size away from your chest. holding your tilt now squeeze your belly and pull you belly button to the spine hold it there this is you start position. when you lift hold the position do not allow you belly to poke out. your movement will be very small but th best way to reform what part of the muscle that you can.

  2. if u are slim everywhere else and your stomach is big.. then that is all due to diet.. eat less carbs and do some more cardio..

    situps everyother day..

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