
Skinny jeans and v-necks on guys! Looks good or not?

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Im 16 and i wear skinny jeans and plain tshirts or vnecks all the time. i hear a lot of people talking down about it, but i want to know what girls (and guys) think of the look.




  1. i think it looks really cute. :D

    but they have to have the right body shape to wear v-necks. you cant really be fat. lol

  2. honestly....skinny jeans on a guy is a little awkward if you ask me. i dont find it very attractive but i actually like v-necks on guys, i mean s long as the shirt isnt too tight....throw on some regular jeans, a v-neck shirt, some nice sunglasses, and a nice pair of sneakers and i think you'll have a better outfit.

  3. Depends if the guy can rock it :)

  4. Its disgusting and looks horrible. I would never talk to a guy who dressed that way.  

  5. hot hot hot!!

  6. dark skinny jeans are okay but wear a casual t-shirt with it cause to me v-necks look girlish

  7. nope.

    i dont like it.


  8. skinny jeans for guys are partially fine.

    sorry but the vneck has to go.

    it's just too girly

  9. Personally I really don't like seeing guys wear skinny jeans, or vnecks. I think they look great in straightleg's that sag a little, and collared shirts or tees with a zip-up jacket. Though I honestly think you shouldnt let anyone tell you what to wear. Some girls might like guys who wear skinny jeans and vnecks, and if you changed the look before you met them, you know, you might have missed having a great relationship or whatever.

  10. very cute answer mine;...

  11. I'm a girl, and I love the look. :)

    Who cares if people talk down about it, it's your style! Don't change yourself because of other dumbasses :)

  12. It's up to the guy's look.

  13. i thinks its really cute! skinny jeans look really good on lots of guys (unless you're chubby) but v-neck prob only works with certain people. maybe like longish, skaterboy hair?

    they prob talk down on them cause it looks girly. thats what my friend says. she thinks they're g*y.  

  14. personally i love it :]

    don't change for stupid people please !

  15. Skinny Jeans yes, v necks, NOOOO

  16. yeah braw it's pretty cool

  17. i think it depends on the person, like a guy with medium long hair can pull it off but a guy with short hair cant really pull off v-necks but its usually pretty hot on most guys

    if  you want to get peoples opinions on how it looks on you, you should probably post a picture

    hope this helped

  18. My best guy friend (he's 18) wears exactly that. Usually an American Apparel V-neck with skinny jeans and converse. I love how it looks on him.

  19. To me personally looks great.

    But that is just the style that I like on guys.

    But this is only if they guy has the body and can pull off the look.

  20. it depends on the guy but i prefer skinny jeans..and v necks dont bother me but i know they do bother most people i hang around with

  21. coming from a girls point of view: skinny jeans can most definitely be hot on guys but i'm not so sure about those v-necks...

  22. skinny jeans...maybe..but not tooo too skinny ( give your legs room to breath)

    and v-necks may depend on the guy

  23. trace cyrus knows how to pull it off


  24. its way too plain

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