
Skinny jeans size question?

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Are skinny jeans supposed to be really tight on the legs the first time you wear them?

I bought a size, they fit me on the hips but the legs are really tight, it feel like if i bend my knees they will rip but the don't.

I thought they were too small so i bought a size 10 and they were really baggy on me.

Are skinny jeans supposed to fit like this for the first time?

I'm used to bootcut jeans but i thought i should try different ones.

Thanks :)




  1. yeah they are supost to be tight as they go down your leg.

    thats the point.

    they end up being abit loose onthe bottom as your in them more;

    "to wear them in"

    they should be tight on the bottom & fit fine on the top.

    make sure you dont have ones that are tight on yur hips.

  2. you just have to get used to wearing them . they SHOULD feel like that otherwise theyre not so good . hope this helps .

  3. Skinny jeans are ment to be tight,

    Although if they're so tight that you can hardly walk then i'd say yes you need a different size.


  4. Yes.

    They're meant to be skinny for a reason.

    If they're too tight then your legs are too big so you might want to invest in another pair or even another shop that sells it.

    You'll probably want staight leg as you cant get into the skinny jeans.

  5. ya, after like wearing it 2 times, it shouldn't feel like that since they start fitting your body more, and start moving with you instead of against you. =)

  6. Skinny jeans are strange, they appear to be half a size too small. I am a 12 but need 14s in skinny jeans.  

  7. just because they fit you waist correctly, doesn't mean they will fit your legs just as well, jeans are cut to a certain fit, no one person has exactly the same fit.

  8. they are supposed to be tight around your hips and calfs. but you should be albe to stick your hands in your pockets very very easily.

    you dont want them super tight or they look very unatractive.

    i would suggest that you wear the 10s.

  9.   They are supposed to be tight in the legs. If they fit you in the bum and on the waist and in the hip then they are the right size. Mine almost fit me like tights and I love them! PS. I'm a size 8.

  10. Well if you haven't tried skinny jeans before, you might be unused to the tightness around your legs. Try walking around in them and going through your normal daily routine. If it hurts, or is too uncomfortable, you can always go to straight leg jeans, which aren't as tight.

  11. yeah they usually are really tight at first but walk around more and wear them around your house a lot and they should feel more comfortable.

  12. Yes they normally fit like this, (normal everywhere else in the jeans but sort of fitted at the bottom) once you wear them a few times they will feel normal.

  13. skinny jeans r skinny, so they r supposed 2 b tight. mine, sometimes i have trouble getting them off of my calves, so i have 2 pull them by the ankles, and i dont have fat calves, but thats where the skinniest part of the jean is supposed 2 b, it isnt supposed to be bagge or just straight, it needs 2 get smaller around the calves and ankles, making it rely tight =]

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