
Skipping Class Ideas!??!?

by Guest11061  |  earlier

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please tell me some good ideas for skipping class like what can i do. And not the nurse. i did that already. cause i need to finish my speech work and its due already!




  1. Just try to finish your work and be late for that class.

    If they're going to call your parents, then call them before hand and let them know.

    Or you can just go to class and hand in what you have or tell them that you're not done and get a little penalty for not handing it in on time

  2. Skip school altogether

  3. Here's an idea--don't.

  4. why is this in preschool?

  5. You should have finished your homework BEFORE the day it's due. And don't skip school/class...that won't help anything, either. First, explain to your teacher that you haven't finished yet and why. If he/she doesn't accept your explanation and give you an extension, chalk it up to a lesson learned and take the consequences. Second, why are you spending time on the computer asking questions when you could be working on your speech work even more?!

  6. Don't you hate when people answer with things that do not answer your question?

    So my thinking is if you are old enough to have work, you are old enough to know how you feel. Say you need to be excused because you are sick or dizzy. Dizziness is sometimes nothing but sometimes serious so no one should no one can tell you you're just fine. Leave the room and then just leave. when you come back next time say you don't know what made you feel so bad, and you feel much better.

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