
Skipping Grades with Homeschool?

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How do you skip a grade when your homeschooled? Im not a genius but im not dumb either. Is there any way to skip just because i want to finish sooner. Do i have to just take a test or do i have to get straight A's all the time too. I get A's and sometimes B's. But does it matter if im not brilliant? Will i be rejected because i've done slightly poor in certain subjects, and does homeschooling even allow grade skipping?




  1. Just do twice as much work, then you will get done faster.

  2. maybe do 1 grade over the summer

  3. It sounds like you're talking about doing school at home as overseen by some sort of regulatory agency? In that case the only way to graduate early would just be to finish the work as quickly as you can.  I think if you're sticking with the public school system you have to stick somewhat with their shedule, i.e. how fast you can go depends on when they offer things. If it's a private school you communicate with by mail, then you can complete the work as fast as you like. If you're homeschooling on your own, then grades are irrelevant, you just learn what you want when you want, take the GED when you feel you're ready, or just go straight into community college classes.

  4. If you are homeschooling independently then it is up to your parents.  If you are enrolled in a distance education program its up to the school, and they are unlikely to say yes unless you can pass some kind of test.  Also, if you are in High School grades you can't really skip earning required credits, you can take advanced classes, but still need to earn the same number of credits, so it depends on your situation.

    If you are homeschooling independently you might want to try this, rather than just skip a whole grade and take a chance of leaving gaps in your knowledge, just take your chapter or unit tests FIRST, then if the score shows that you know the material (80% or higher), move on to the next test.  If the score shows that you need to study, then stop and study that chapter, re-take the test, and move on.  That way you can go quickly through a year's work, but not skip over things your really do need to study.

  5. you can but you have to know the work! then if you can do it and you know it its too easy then you can skip otherwise you cant!

  6. If you're doing actual homeschooling, then it's simply a matter of progressing more quickly through your work. You don't skip a grade--you just finish one grade before the end of the year and start on the next one, possibly finishing 2 grades in one year.

  7. When you are homeschooling, you can do things at your own pace. My daughter didn't actually "skip" a grade, but she went through 2 grades in one year because we quickly went over stuff she already knew and only spent time on things she hadn't learned yet or didn't understand well. This worked out really well for us because she didn't get bored spending her days going over repeats of what she knew, but then she didn't miss any of the new material either. However, we were working on a curriculum that I designed as we went along. If you are signed up for a program like K12 or Calvert or one of those, I think you can take an assessment before beginning a new school year, and say you should be going into 7th grade but you know enough of the material to test for 8th grade and you pass the assessment, then you just got to skip a grade.

    Sounds to me like you are an intelligent person who has been bored with school or homeschool and wants to move on to the rest of your life. Maybe you should skip up a grade to keep it more interesting, or maybe you should focus your learning on things you are interested in that will be useful in your adult life... art, carpentry, computer animation, wildlife preservation, whatever inspires you or whatever you think you might like to take up as a career or a hobby or a cause.

    Good luck!

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