I hate P.E, we are doing hurdles witch is the worst ever! My teacher hates me, she makes me do it in front of the class, and I get it wrong and humiliate myself, and if I don’t do it she will give me an afterschool detention.
So im thinking of skipping the class, I mean its P.E what are the chances of getting caught, when they are about 30 people in the class, its 3rd period right after break time.. were else do I go, she I pretend im ill or whatever or just wait in the toilets until the bell goes for 4th lesson?
Help.. she don’t take a rejecter in P.E
But im jut worried in case I go to French (my 4th lesson) and ask why I wasn’t there, I could say I went to the doctors or something! Any way…
Whar are the chances of getting caught?
Were should I go?
And would people notices when im in one lesson and not the others, If they do what should I say?