
Skool Crisis!?

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I'm really scared, but confident about going back to skool. The worst things about going to skool is that your new(i'm a 7th grader going to poynter middle skool), a new surrounding, alot of confusing halls, and a lot of b*****s, and duesh bags. I'm really scared about finding all my classes, and getting through the cross hall. I have all these questions, will i look good, who is my home room teacher, will i get jumped, will i be popular.

Will i even get asked out!!! What if i loose my locker comb.

is middle skool confusing, and what should i do to remember all my classes, lunch, teachers!




  1. The biggest help is to just relax. The teachers are there to help you. If they don't they are bad teachers I guess. Just be yourself and you'll make friends. Hope this helps. Good Luck



    P.S. If you stay organized and try hard you will get good grades and have no problem.

  2. okokok.....first of all....calm down!

    middle school is so much easier than it looks!

    the halls rly arent that confusing, everyone gets lost at least once in the first few days, but then you'll get used to it.

    as for the mean ppl, just ignore them cuz they arent worth your time! but there arent too many mean kids....

    and if you try to look good, then im sure you will!

    and idk who ur home room teacher is...but youll find out.

    and wont get jumped. just make normal nice friends and stay away from preps and gangsters.

    and who cares about being popular the popular girls at my school are the main b**ches!

    and if u loose ur locker comb then tell ur teacher and she'll give it to you.

    trust me, middle school is awesome and youll like it better than elementary!

  3. Middle school is hard. Not going to lie about it. It's a new surrounding, new friends, but these years are also some of the most exciting years of your life.

    My best advice is writing everything down. Write down the order of your classes and locker combo in a notebook. The same notebook. Always keep the notebook with you.

    About the b*****s, search hard to find true friends. There are great girls and guys out their, don't settle for the popular kids even if they seem cooler then the dorks. Sometimes the dorks are the ones that help you make it and help you when you are sad. (I'm a dork and I love it)

    It will all be simple after a few weeks and soon it will seem routine.

    Have fun, make friends, meet guys ; )

  4. well ive never been to that school however that school cant be much different than mine. and being new your probably only looking at the negative parts of that. just think nobody knows you so  you can be who ever you want to be. for finding out who your homeroom teacher is youll just have to wait and see, will you get jumped? well dont p**s people off and you probably wont get jumped.and as much as you dont want to p**s people off you dont want to  be a suck-up. will you be popular. well you could if thats all you care about then find the popular people and make friends with them but i personally wouldnt worry about being popular just be yourself and youll make friednds with people just like you. if your worried about forgeting your locker combo study it and make up some catch locker number remembering thing and keep it writen somewhere close by until you memorize it..

    study your sechule to remember your classes and youll probably remember after awhile. tip:if your afraid of forgeting your classes carry it in a folder your carrying but dont stare at it wondering the halls people will know your a newbie. and as lame as this sounds your trying to fit in even if you dont realize it yet. ask someone who seems like a potential friend if you can sit with them at lunch. and teachers just be a good student and dont talk when they are and answer some questions they ask. and youll be on there good side.well yeah middle schools confusing id be lying if i said other wise.haha will you ever get asked out( i just read that) um... possibly ...but if you like someone enough and they dont ask you out go ahead and ask them out. dont be afraid of being rejected. anyways be yourself and ull do just fine.

    good luck & hope i helped.
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