
Skool problem?

by Guest31689  |  earlier

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im currently studying fr my gcse's in england but i'm orignally from abroad........i thght i wud enjoy my life in england but it turned out to b different,i sometimes feel left out in skool in many situations and i want to go back to my country but my parents wnt me to stay here so can someone gimme advice to whether stay here or go back to my country

i hate life here,every day i wish i cud go back




  1. i thnk u shud go back to ur country babes........if life's difficult here ten go somewre wre u thnk life wud b better.......ur only a teenager u dont hv to b miserable n stuff

  2. i think you should go back to your country. n you really sound like you don't like it there so just go back. i'm sure your parents will understand.

  3. You need to work out exactly why you hate life here. Make a list of all the bad points about it. Are you getting bullied? Is it hard to make friends? Is school difficult?

    Next you need to address these issues. Can anything be done about them? Usually I would say there is a way to make things easier.

    Weigh up the good points as well, surely there are some good aspects in there?

    Once you have made your lists, you need to balance them. Is it so bad that you have to leave right away, or could you cope until you have done your exams? Personally I would try t persevere, at least until I had the GCSEs under my belt, so I had something to show for all my hard work.

    I do think life could get better for you here, it may just be difficult at the moment. Get everything down on paper, and if you really feel you cannot stay, you can use this as evidence to your parents. They only want what is best for you, find out why they want you to stay and decide whether it is really worth it.

    Good luck, I hope it gets better for you soon!
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