
Sky HD channels???

by  |  earlier

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I have standard sky. There is channels with HD next to them which when i go on tells me to get in contact with sky.

do i have to pay extra to use them. I have a hd tv.

also, is there a cost for trading my existing sky box for the new sky+. i have been with sky for 14 years so surly i have some kind of discount for loyaly??





  1. yeah in a few months they will make sky HD cheaper.

    you will have to pay alot more now. its £249 for the box and every month you will have to pay £10 extra.

    but it is worth it if you have the money. sky sports and BBC HD are so clear its like watching the real thing!

    it is just a question if you can afford it.

  2. At the moment Sky HD for existing customers is £249 plus installation, plus £10 per month extra subscription.

    Hang on for about four weeks as Sky are about to make an announcement re their pricing, the industry believe they're about to come down.

    See the link.
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