
Sky in another room?

by Guest65324  |  earlier

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ok so we have sky tv in the living room (main box)

and sky tv in dining room (multiroom box)

the kids have a tv upstairs that currently has nothing on it as there is not a external arial point.!

we want them to be able to watch sky on that tv without lining the pockets of sky with another multiroom + installation costs!!

i am rubbish with tecncial jargon so can someone please explain eaxtcly what we need to do in order to get sky on the kids tv?? and i mean like step by step instructions cos otherwise i will bodge it up ....

thanks in advance




  1. hello,where it says search for questions,i have just typed in there,wiring sky tv up stairs,i am not very good myself,but you could follow those links etc,if the kids havnt got the sky box,you could exctend the ariel cable up to there tv,but they would have to watch whatever you watch down stairs,or on your dish itself i know the connection where your cable goes on to,you get 1,2,or 3 so you can hook up extra cables,thats what i would do,i hope you sort it,sorry i couldnt help further,peAce.edit:have a scroll down this,

  2. you need to buy a wireless av sender, available from Argos etc. it is so simple, no need for wires or drilling holes in walls as it works by sending out signals using a high RF signal. If you have an Argos book look on page402 for an easy to understand full explanation.

  3. put av sender in kids room from dining room.this way they can have remote control from multiroom sky box, that way you can watch no.1 box ,and kids on box.2, hope this helps [make sure the av sender you buy has the remote sender as well]
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