
Sky tv is yours working?

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is your sky tv working mine hasn't been working all day, stay in perthshire, scotland.




  1. In east anglia (England) its working, for me anyway!

  2. mine is fine. it really is some other problem with line, signal etc.. check again.

  3. I live in London and mines fine. I've heard Scotland has had some fierce storms recently. That may be the cause

  4. I live in Edinburgh, and my Sky is working.

    Depending on where you live, believe this or not, my two neighbours have lost electricity, and I haven't shame ( lol )

    My Sky is working, depends on your signal, your arial might have been mucked up due to the winds.

  5. Mine is good though lately, when you just press the arrow buttons when watching a programme, it struggles to find the names of programmes on the other channels and what's on next.

    I suspect the winds battering various parts of the UK has something to do with it.

    Check out your signal strength/quality in the Services menu.

    I'm in West Yorkshire.

  6. mines working perfectly :D im in devon

  7. mine works.. but im in london lol

  8. mine works

  9. if there's bad weather around it probably won't be working. Mines fine but i live in Manchester so

  10. Phone Sky they will be able to tell you if there is a problem because of the winds...that happened to me once and Sky fixed it straight away x

  11. yes it is but I live in London at the other end of the country

    maybe a tree fell over where you are

  12. constantly goes on the blink

  13. yeah at the moment, but it froze up last night when we had a shower. it goes totally off when it pours down. Not a good idea to switch to total digital coverage me thinks. give them a ring, you could have a fault. I was without sky for 3 days and they gave me a month free viewing as compensation

  14. Yes, the only problem i have is the monthly amount i have to pay for the frigging thing!

  15. im in aberdeenshire and ours is ok,  if you had storms last night, maybe your dish has moved. if so, you will need to get it realigned.

  16. fine at the moment.  

    Maybe all that wind up in scotland has damaged the satellites

  17. no dont have sky

  18. Hi, I live in South Wales valleys and am frequently affected by bad weather which cuts off the signal.  I believe I heard earlier today that Scotland was badly affected in the same way due to the bad weather conditions experienced there.  No point trying to call Sky to find out unless you have time to waste, though!

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