
Slatebed or MDF snooker table?

by  |  earlier

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I wanted to know wether an Mdf table is ok a 6ft one cause i cant buy a slatebed (too expensive ) . i just want it to play with my friends . i ve played on a slatebed once in pool room but i thought no point buying one if they arent good .




  1. MDF is useless mate. Don't get one. They aren't worth the money (no matter how cheap).

    If you are in England,buy one from the tournaments at Reighton sands,Cleethorpes,or Skegness.

    They have only been used for three days,and are comparatively cheap. Between £250 and £600.

    If you are in America,maybe its worth trying the same thing with one of your tournaments.

  2. An MDF table is a poor investment if you're serious about playing pool. MDF is just particle board and if exposed to constant humidity or if a drink is spilled on it, the surface will warp and begin to come apart. It is a genuine waste of money.

    I suggest you look on for a used table with a slate bed. You can also try contacting a local pool room and ask the owner or manager if they know of anyone with a table for sale. There is usually a bulletin board there with pool and billiard related items for sale. That will be a better investment if you can find one.

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