
Sleep and Nerves??????????

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Did you sleep the night before your wedding? How where your nerves on your wedding day?

I am 2 weeks away from my wedding and I already am having sleep-less nights and nervousness!

Any advise?





  1. At the rehearsal, my husband decided that was when he was going to tell me he was leaving for a month of training 3 days after the wedding (he's army).  I was stressed out to begin with, this new development,  completely set me off: I couldn't stop crying (why is probably why I cried through the entire ceremony), I couldn't eat, and needless to say I couldn't sleep the night before.  If it wasn't for my MoH and bridesmaid who stayed with me the night before, I never would have got through any of it.  Best advice: keep your girls with you at all times.  If there as great as mine were, they'll keep you completely grounded.

  2. We're having a private ceremony and public reception, so it doesn't apply to me anymore, but when I thought I was having a traditional wedding, I was planning on sleeping on my own at a hotel the night before.

    When I'm nervous that I WON'T get sleep, any distraction at all will keep me awake.  I do awfully with no sleep, yet I knew I wasn't going to get any the night before such a big day (I get tons of anticipation anxiety.)

    Especially if your house is full of people or if you normally sleep with your fiance, you could consider a room to yourself.  Make sure it's in a quiet part of town and is either an inn, B+B, or hotel where you're at the end of the hall (just in case there are partiers.)

    Just an idea! :)  

  3. I had a lot of sleepless nights before the wedding but the night before was one of the best nights sleep I've ever had strangely enough.

    On my actual wedding day, I wasn't nervous at all.

    Just try to keep yourself relaxed - most wedding stress seems to come from over worrying.

  4. I was just married last week and I had no trouble sleeping the night before.  At that point, you have to let the chips fall where they may.  Right now, you are stressed on the details and worrying about things, but anything that is not done the night before, you can't change, so you need to just let it go, focus on being rested and beautiful, and get a good night's sleep.

  5. My wedding is next saturday and Im not nervous and I fall right to sleep. I just figure that I'v done my best and to go with the flow and now its time to enjoy and have fun.

  6. I'm getting married this Sunday and I 've been having nightmares, feeling anxious, getting toos and turn sleep. It's natural to feel this way, There is still so much to do, you are scared that something may go wrong, all yoru eyes will be on you etc. etc. etc.

    I'm trying to take it as easy as I can.. and try to relax and get some sleep. I do not want baggy eyes on my wedding day LOL!

    Good luck and congrats

    BTB 8/31/08

  7. my wedding is in 2 weeks too! 9-13 i am so nervous i swear i lay down about 11 or midnight and i will see the clock change every hour. this morning i was up at 645 still! its insane when i do sleep i have nightmares and such!!

  8. Surprisingly I did sleep.  I was so tired by the time I went to bed.  The last 2 weeks before the wedding had been really stressful for everyone.  So the night before the wedding, we decided to get all of our wedding party together a few drinks at a local bar.  I didn't end up staying too long because it was almost 11 by the time we got there and everyone was adamant that my fiance and I weren't to see each other past 11:55pm.  But, we all got to sit down and relax together.  That's also when we gave them all the presents we had gotten them as a thank you.  So anyways, that little hour I had to relax with everyone was great.  My fiance and I were also able to steal a few moments to ourselves.  That calmed me down a lot.  I was a nervous wreck as soon as I woke up, but I slept like a baby that night.

  9. Actually, I slept fine...I was just so tired!

    We spent the whole morning decorating the reception site, then after the rehearsal dinner, the bridal party came back to my hotel room and we hung out and ate ice cream and chitchatted, until 11:45 or so when they wisked my husband away, and then my girls and I stayed up for another hour (One bridesmaid's flight didn't get in till after midnight and we wanted to stay awake to greet her!), and I had my MOH and sister stay with me in my room, and we all totally crashed out.

    Course, I was awake by 6 in the morning, but I was SO pumped. And I never really got nervous the whole day. I was just excited.

    Just use this as a mantra: Everything is going to go great: any little thing that goes wrong won't matter and the guests won't even notice it. I am getting married to the love of my life, and everyone is going to be there in the same room to party with us because they love us.  

  10. Punch yourself to sleep...

    Seriously tho.. I'd take some like sleep medicine tho...

  11. i am a year a way(a year from tomorrow actually) and so worried that I won't be able to sleep. As much as I hate to tell people to take meds: There is a sleeping pill (non-addictive, non narcotic) that the doctor can give you if you want.  I think it's like $2 a pill so to get one or 2 won't be bad.  

    Have you tried gravol before?  the nauseau medication.  You can buy it over the counter (no perscription needed) and it'll knock you RIGHT out but on either of these pills make sure you have a full 8 hours ahead of you to sleep.  If you wake up before that you are going to be SOOO tired all day.

    I'd say take ONE gravol and no more (if you've never taken them before) if after about 90 minutes you don't find yourself getting tired, take another (they do take about an hour to set in).

    Good luck!!! and congrats!

    EDIT: neither of these pills will make you feel groggy in the morning.  Just if you take one and only lseep 4 hours then you will be.  But you ened 8 hours before your wedding anyways, it's a LONG day. lol

  12. I had horrible nightmares all through out my engagement.

    I just didn't want to to sleep at all and I would try to keep myself busy with wedding stuff. On the week before my Wedding I would try to go to sleep early because I wanted to have a few days of good night's sleep so that I wouldn't look sleep deprived. It started working I would relax and each day I would go to sleep earlier. On the night before my wedding I did go to to bed a little bit late because of the decorating t the hall but when I went to bed I knocked out. The day of my wedding I was nervous in the morning before the ceremony once that was over I didn't let anything else bother me and it was perfect day even though a lot of things did not go as planned.

    Good Luck and Congratulations.  

  13. i was fine before my wedding.. i feel like i even woke up late.. lol.. but honestly, i take a couple benadryl when i feel anxious and it puts me out within an hour.. i dont wake up groggy, and its certainly non addictive.. you need to get your rest to keep yourself looking and feeling your best... but its very normal... dont worry - take your vitamins and some benadryl.. all will be ok...

  14. I am having same problems, and I am still 2 months away. I know by 2 weeks before my wedding I will be really nervous. I already know that I am going to take sleep pills. Buy natural ones (tylenol simply sleep) seriously if you can't sleep, you need to take these bc  You need sleep. Stress can make us girls look bad!!!  

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