
Sleep and eye color?

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ive been loosing sleep b/c its once again school time and it seems like in college no matter how much time you put in your always striving to get in work with little to no rest, anyway my eyes have been yellowish red even when i catch up on sleep can this be changed?




  1. yellowish, you say.. i dont think this has to do w/ sleep.

    you might have low blood pressure.  

  2. I agree with the other answer, but it hugely depends on your race.  If you're black, then your eyes will clear when you get sufficient rest.  If your eyes are still yellow, then it could be a sign of a more serious problem. Jaundice comes to mind, since for a black person, yellow in the whites of the eyes are a major indication of the disease.  If you're white, then I would be more concerned because yellowish eyes is highly irregular and is a sign of something else as mentioned above.  

    Your history is the best indication; do you remember ever being concerned about your eyes at another time when you were lacking sleep?  If so, you have nothing to worry about as it will clear itself again.  If not, then get some rest, and see what happens.  If it's still the same, I suggest you visit your doctor.  Good luck.
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