
Sleep issues relating to fear of death in children?????

by Guest32819  |  earlier

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I know that most children come to the realization of death, or mortality. I have heard of children having trouble sleeping, fearing their parent will die, and going through almost a 'pre-teen seperation anxiety". Has anyone gone through this or have any suggestions to help get the child out of this?




  1. had this problems when i was younger i just came to accept death for what it was

  2. Not knowing the childs' surroundings, what the child has gone through in his/her life, or if there have been any deaths in the family or friends may be helpful to answering this question.

    Most of these symptoms sound like anxiety attacks.

    I had these for a time when a child due to both my parents being in the Military during WWII, although I had a grandparent and a very stable home life during this period of my life.

    These gradually left me until I was faced by the death of my husband many years later...

    At that time I was given medication until I no longer needed it. Actually, I 'unretired' and returned to archaeology.

    Some of these feelings are a normal reaction to a child thinking about 'what am I going to do with my life'....and many children are very sensitive to things they may read, or see on television, too.


  3. They fear their parents will die, because a guy name "stalker' is asking questions about fearing death. :)

  4. i used to have this when i was younger, i really don't know how i got over it, but i just did, they will get over it, i think every child that is close to thier parents has this. its a normal thing, maybe see your doctor if you are really interested to know

  5. How old is he or she?

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