
Sleep over help 10 points best answer!!!?

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okay i,m havin a sleep over theres gonna be like 4 girls 13 years old what are some fun games




  1. truth or dare, who`s breast is bigger? - get a dice, and if someone rolls a even; tell the most embrassing thing they have every done, if it rolls odds, prank call someone / do something really stress-full ; pillow fights, nails/medicure/pedicure ; movie? ; do each others hair, theres many more things.

  2. Truth or dare is always fun

    OMG! PLAY APPLES TO APPLES! Like I'm not even kidding. It is hilariousss... like once we were playing and the topic was "s**y" and we ended up putting down with hunts and Samuel L. Jackon cuz we had nothing else, lol! We played for like twooo hours! I know it sounds dumb but that game is simply amazing. Also prank calls (Empire the rug company! Ahh good memories...), Random board games, chick-flick/funny movies... yeah :]

  3. Get a phone and make prank calls. If the person on the other end doesn't answer, you have to take a slug of Jesus juice =D

    For all of you stupid people, I'm just joking. gosh

  4. try this game that me and my bffs invented:

    Get like 200 balloons and get all 4 girls to blow them up.

    Take whatever you can (chairs, plastic tubs) and separate off two separate areas that are about equal size

    Split the balloons off equally between the two sides ( so each side should  have 100)


    Now, two girls go on each side

    On the count of 3 you guys chuck the balloons to  your opponents side.

    To win:

    The team that wins will be the team that has 5 or less balloons on their side

    Your Prize:

    Get tons of candy and snacks and before you start playing give all the players equal amounts of snack/candy. Before u start playing put how ever much candy into a pot in the middle of the floor (or tablle or whatever) . Now, whoever wins that round of "balloon wars" will get to take whatever they want from the pot.

    Also, When blowing up the balloons you could put little notes inside the balloons that r sorta like truth or dare questions. After you r done playing the game and have to pop all the balloons whoever pops a balloon with a note inside has to do what that note says.

    Idk if u r into these kinda games but me and my friends r 13 and love playing games like this

    Have fun!!!

  5. Truth or dare.

    Pillow fights.

    Whatever board games you

    have and

    make overs i guess...

  6. scary stories,light as a feather stiff as a board.I remember sleepovers and scaring each other was better than truth or dare.

  7. well you could do masks and hair

    truth or dare even though i hate that game

    board games  

  8. Truth or Dare Extreme is always fun :)

  9. hmm,

    nail polish,




  10. Truth or Dare


    Prank Calls


    Board Games

    Light as feather stiff as a stone

    Secret Talents


    Guess whos in the sleeping bag

    Blindfold eachother and do eachothers make up and hair

    Body Part: This game is fun to play at a "scary" sleep-over and can be accompanied by other ghost stories and games such as "Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board" (see description below). Have the kids sit in a circle in a dimly lit (or dark) room while you make up a story about a mean old witch who falls apart piece by piece. As you talk about each body part, pass around a paper bag lined with a plastic bag, and have the kids feel inside without looking. Each bag should hold a different "body part" that has fallen off of the witch. For example, use peeled grapes for the eyeballs, a canned apricot for the tongue, popcorn kernels for teeth, cooked spaghetti for brain, a large peeled tomato for the heart, cooked macaroni noodles for intestines, a slab of jello for the liver, and so on. Have the kids guess what food you used for each body part, and the person who guesses the most right wins.

    "Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board": The basic premise of this game is to have one person lie on the floor while everyone else sits on their knees around her with both hands slightly under her. There is one "Storyteller" who sits by the head and tells a made up story about the person on the floor's life and her "untimely demise." At the end of the story, everyone chants "Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board" repeatedly as they lift her off of the ground. The idea is to have everyone believing that "spirits" are helping to lift her off the ground (in reality, she is probably being lifted because of all the people helping to lift her). Take turns, and tell a story about everyone!

    Junk Food Frenzy: This is a great game that will keep your tummy full and keep you laughing. Dig out some of your favorite desserts and copy the instructions on index cards. Buy ingredients for all the desserts and place them on the kitchen counter. Shuffle the cards and divide the guests into two teams. Have players take turns drawing cards. Each player reads the card and takes the listed ingredient. When all the ingredients have been distributed, give the teams thirty minutes to prepare a dish using the ingredients accumulated by the individual players. When the dishes are complete, have each player taste and eat the results, then vote on the best tasting dessert! For a fun variation, give both teams the same ingredients and see what different desserts they come up with (without using recipes).

    Do-It! Dice: Buy or find two square cardboard boxes and paint them both white. On each side of the square, write a command or a stunt, such as "Sing our National Anthem," "Hop up and down," "Spin around

    in circles," and so on. Have the kids gather in a circle with the "Do-It! Dice" in the middle. Have one player roll BOTH dice to determine his/her stunts, then have the player perform both stunts AT THE SAME TIME. This should provide lots of laughs.

    Movie Trivia: Have everyone watch a video; then make up trivia questions about the movie they just watched. Have a contest to see who can come up with the most correct answers. You can also read through teen magazines and collect trivia about the latest stars. Then quiz the partygoers to see who knows the most about each star.

    "Grabbit": Place some small objects on a table, such as a bag of candy, a book, a single CD, a stuffed animal, a set of fake nails, and so on -- enough for each player. Let each player name a favorite card game, such as fish, rummy, spoons, hearts, war, etc. Gather the players around the table and remove all but one prize, setting the others aside. Play one of the card games; the winner gets the prize. Replace the prize, and start a new game.

    Panic Word: Write down 100 words on index cards (one word per index card), such as blink, stare, lint, thread, plate, bra, shoelace -- any words you like. Stack the cards and put them in the center of the room. Divide the players into 2 teams and seat them opposite each other. Set the timer or stopwatch for one minute. Have the first player from Team One draw a card from the pile and give clues to the word to his/her teammates before the timer ends the play. If the word is "blink", the team member might say, "What you do if dust gets in your eyes?" Players from Team One try to guess the word; if they are successful before the time is up, they get a point. If the timer runs out and the word is not guessed, the other team gets a point. Take turns until all the cards are gone, then add up points to see who wins.

    Who Am I?: Write the names of famous people on index cards and tape one card to the back of each guest. Have everyone walk around in the same room, and instruct them not to mention the name on each person's back, but to talk to everyone as if they are the person on their card. As people begin to correctly guess th

  11. Truth or Dare is always the best game to play =]

    I also like to have like a pretend dance party were we just blast music and dance around while sining like idiots.

    And well there really are no board games for teens, I mean come on.

    It's also fun to prank call boys and adults and friends... tee hee we always get a luagh out of that!

    Hope this helps! ^^

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