
Sleep sacks question..?

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im thinking of buying some sleep sacks for olivia....the blanket in her bed is freaking me out even though we have it tucked in the sides of the matress because we have her sleeping on an incline due to her tracheomalacia. im afraid she'll scoot down under the blanket when she wakes up and starts wiggling around. i looked at some on babies r us's website and see there a little expensive....anywhere i can get them cheaper? and also so i just put her regular sleeper pajamas on underneath? thanks ladies!




  1. no need for extra clothing under...walmatr has great long sleeve ones for $6 and carters has them for $12 and a little thicker...a lifesaver, literally.

  2. Hey there. Our daughter has some of those. Babies R Us ones are expensive but sometimes they have them on clearance. I live in Ohio and got one a few weeks ago on clearance for $9.98 there. There are some for $12.99 there. My advice would be to get ones that are sleeveless. That way you can put a onesie on or something longsleeved.

    You don't have to put her regular jammies (a sleeper I assume you mean) under it. Might be a bit too warm. Just a onesie, short or long sleeved.

    Walmart does have sleepbags but they only come long sleeved so that way is ok if you don't want your child to wear anything underneath or even just a onesie. Those ones are under $10 there.

    My husband's cousin's wife just had their kids sleep in sleepers and that's it. I wondered if that would be comfy enough but we did that with my daughter and she slept 11 hours! So that is another option as well.

  3. Try's a yahoo group. You can join and put up a wanted ad for them...and anything else you need. I have gotten a ton of of stuff from there for my little one and also houehold stuff. They make fleece and cotton sleeps sacks-depending on the temp & what kind of material the sleep sack is I usually use either a onesie or lightweight cotton pjs. For the most part, you should dress baby in what you are comfortable in plus one layer if it's cold out. Hope that helps!

    Also-we had a lot of problems with reflux when Evelyn was smaller-we had to use the incline pad as well-her reflux was so bad it was keeping her up all night. Anyway-put the pad under the sheets towards the end of the crib-her feet will touch the bumper and there will be less chance of her sliding down. That worked for us.

  4. Ebay is always good or craigslist :)

  5. try just putting a block of foam or something at the bottom of the mattress to stop her from slipping down the mattress. the trouble with sleep sacks is they can overheat

  6. Walmart sells them.  And you can look on Ebay.  But I didn't mind paying for the ones we used at Babies R Us, because I only bought two or three, and she wore her pjs under them.  They're one size, I think, so they should last the entire winter.

  7. You might have a look at this:

    Remember no pillows under Olivia's head.

    Try terry sheets and terry bed clothing.  Baby has a harder time wiggling down and around with them.

  8. yes put pjs underneath, way safer than a blanket, or get a heater for the room. buy it at a second hand store. cheaper

  9. You can just use one of those $10 swaddle me's and put it UNDER the arms, and tada, you have a sleep sack.

  10. How old is your daughter? They dont recommend putting anything in the crib until at LEAST a year old. Babies dont need blankets, just dress them up to keep warm. Not only could they suffocate in blankets, they dont know any better to move the blanket, or they can get way to hot, which can up the risk of sids. If you want to try them, go to target, or just pay the extra bucks at babies or us. Doing what you feel is the most safe for your daughter maybe worth the money.  

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