
Sleep time for the kido's?

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I have a five and three year old boys. This is my five year olds first year at school. He goes to bed at 10pm now and I know that is late but if he goes to bed any earlier than he will be up at 4am in the morning and ready for a nape but the time he has to leave for school my question is what time is a good time for a five year old to go to bed and if any aerier than 10 how do I get him to sleep longer. We tried 8:30 pm last night and just like clock work he was up at 430 this morning. I got up with him and told him to lay back down cause everyone else was sleeping and it wasn't time to get up yet so he refused and sat there and eat cereal and watched cartoons. 830 rolls around and he is ready to go back to sleep when it is time for daycare. What can I do with this situation




  1. Is he in afternoon Kindergarten?

    If so, 10pm, is okay, because he sleeps until 8:30.  He does not need a nap before school

    My daughter did that in preschool, in Kindergarten, she left for school at 9 am

    Next year, when he is in school for early, and needs to get up at 7am, then move it to 8:30 or 9

    Try the time.  Get him in camp in the summer, full day camp possible.  they Normally start at 9 am or earlier.  Get him use to needed to go to bed earlier to get up for camp/school full days

    10pm is fine, if he sleeps till 8;30.  It's the amount of sleep he gets, not when he goes to bed

  2. First of all you need to stop giving him naps so that he will be tired earlier in the evening and go to bed at a decent hour and stay in bed until it is time to get up.   The naps are what is causing him to go to bed at a later hour because he is replenishing his sleep needs.  

  3. 8pm would be a good bedtime for both of them.  If he gets up before everyone else he needs to stay in his room and lay in bed or play quietly.

  4. 3 year old: 6'o'clock

    5 year old: 7-8o'clock

  5. 7-8 o'clock

  6. Don't allow him food or tv, he doesn't need it through the night. Once he realises he has to stay in bed with no stimulation he will get in the habit of sleeping longer. It may take a while to create a good routine but be persistant-it will be worth it in the long run. At his age he should be having about 11 hours sleep through the night.

  7. I agree with the "star chart" but I would change one thing, don't take away something he has already earned but rather he just doesn't get one! For example, if you do this for all 7 days in the week if he only gets up twice he would get 5 stars.

    It sends a mixed message to a child to take away something they earned by doing the right thing, with hold the stars from the nights he wakes up.

    Or you could also just let him go to bed at 10 like he is used to and hopefully once he starts school and all that, his body will adjust and he will be tired and sleep earlier and through the night.

  8. Put him to bed at 9.

    Start a star chart.

    If he sleeps in the morning he gets a star sticker on the chart.#

    If he gets up take a star away.

    If he gets 5 stars give him a treat!

    Three year old should go at 7:30-8:00


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