
Sleep timer turned TV off and it never came back on?

by  |  earlier

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I have an RCA tv that is NO MORE than 3 years old. It looks brand new out of the box, I mean, It's been well taken car of, adult owned, nothing wrong with it, no warning.... then the other night, we turned the sleep timer on, as always... it turned itself off sometime while we were sleeping and it just doesn't come on now. When you hit the button, the blue LED flashes 5 times, as it always done, but then, after the 5th flash, when the blue LED would normally shine steady and we would hear a little pop and the TV picture would come up... now, is nothing. just 5 flashes and a black screen....

The TV repair shop wants $40 to even LOOK AT IT! Any ideas on what it could be and if we should even bother fixing it? I mean, it's a box tv so it's not like we couldn't replace it for less than $200 now...




  1. 1. Yes, that 's possible.

    2.  Did you push the on/off button on the tv and not the remote?

    3.  Some people plug their tvs into other powered boxes.  If so, try plugging right into a wall socket.

  2. I know this may sound ridiculous, but whenever we have had similar problems, it always turns out to be something tied in with the remote.  Sometimes for some reason, the basic set-up options get changed and that makes some options useless.  Other times, its simply a matter of changing the batteries in the remote.  Don't ask, I have no idea why, but changing the batteries even when everything else is working, has corrected the problem.

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