
Sleeping More Not Less?

by  |  earlier

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It's a week before school! and I've been trying to get to sleep ear;y each time and when I do I get up really late (4p.m) and that's no good! I need to start getting up around 6:30-7:00 for school! I need help getting to sleep! any suggestions? I really need help with this because I get really bad bags under my eyes and everyone notices them and I hate it~ please help me get to sleep!!




  1. Okie well go to bed like 9 pm then set your alarm clock for 6:30am and start a routine like that and for the circles and the bags dont freak it works so well put on a matte orange lip color or gloss only on the blue parts of your eye underneath not on your actaul eye then put your concelar over it pat it and really it works well look it up on  youtube to really see how its done. Good luck best wishes.


  2. go to sleep at 9 and get up early the like run around the block and then spray your self with the cold hose water. then drink a smoothie. then run around the block again this will get you going. oh and you HAVE to be consistent or else you'll end up at square one again

  3. i had the same problem.  just try to go to bed and get at least 8 hours.  then set like 3 alarm clocks each like 10mins apart from each other 30 mins to 1 hour earlier than you really have to get up so you have time to wake up a lil and push snooze.  then force yourself out of bed.  its hard at first, but necessary. :-]]

  4. The best way to get to sleep at a good time is to set up a set routine. Your body needs to understand it's time to sleep and your mind will follow. One important thing is to refrain from anything stimulating a hour to two before your bedtime, i.e. caffeine, nicotine, s*x, exercise. Also it's a good idea to cut alcohol from your system when you have to sleep at a certain time as it has a tendency to affect your sleep patterns. An hour away from bedtime you should start your routine, brush your teeth, set out your clothes, set your alarm, read a book. Do things as close to the same as you can so your mind switches off with your body. Then you will naturally start to fall asleep, and your body and mind will be in synch and your natural rithyms will be healthey. As a former insomniac i know how hard it can be to get into a rythim with sleep, but oncce you get into a set routine you will be surprised how well you fall into it.

  5. I have had sleep problems for years.

    What you need to do is develop good sleep hygiene.

    1.  Don't exercise vigorously before trying to sleep.

    2.  You may do some stretching before sleep.

    3.  NO caffeine after 3:00 pm.  period.

    4.  Regular exercise routine.

    5.  Go do sleep and get up at the same time(s) everyday including the weekends.

    6.  You can try Rescue Remedy by Bach to help you relax or drink

    some valerian tea, or eat some cheese and crackers.

    7.  Healthy diet.

    8.  Use bedroom for s*x and sleep only.  No tv, radio, exercise, etc.

    9.  Bedroom must be dark, quiet, and cool.  If you face the east get a sleep mask to wear to block out sun in the early morning.

    10.  Use a white noise machine if necessary.

    11.  Aromatherapy -- lavender and borage oils on your wrists and breathe in before going to bed or use in a diffuser.

    12.  Take a long hot bath with epsom salts and lavender oil.  Soak for 10 - 20 minutes , relax and then go to bed.  NOT a hot shower as that actually is stimulating.  It must be a good soak.

    One trick I have found actually works even though it is weird is to lay in bed and try to stay awake.  Force yourself not to close your eyes and consisously try to stay awake.  For some reason (like reverse psychology) this makes me sleep and helps me fall asleep faster.

    Also counting backwards from 200 at a steady rate can work too.

    Hope these help you.  Try to avoid sleeping pills but if the problem persists you should go see a doctor and maybe get a sleep study.

  6. Don't watch TV or be at the computer before sleeping. Always relax read a box or something. Drink some milk before sleeping. and don't eat/drink any chocolate/tea/coffee or other thing that has caffeine.

    For me, usually when I take a shower I always want to sleep.

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