
Sleeping Pills [disorder]

by Guest60040  |  earlier

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I asked my mom to get me sleeping pills (im 14) because I have a major sleeping disorder. Last night I was in my bed from 1am to 7am before I could finally fall asleep, and then I woke up at 3pm.. missed half of the day. No matter what I do I can't fall asleep earlier.

Music doesn't help, Quiet doesn't help. NOTHING.

When she came back she told me they said that VITAMIN B would help relax my body, and yes it worked but it also gave me pains but it defenetily did NOT make me tired and wanted to sleep.

so I had to stay in bed because my body was too weak to get up, and by the time morning came I was back to normal.

This has caused me a nasty feeling in my stomach, as if I wanted to throw up but its for no reason - Why?

How can I SERIOUSLY fall asleep....




  1. too much vitamins are bad for you, you may have overdosed. Anyway, try tylenol pm, it usually helps relax your nerves without knocking you out or the nauseating aftermath. Definitley don't go for prescription drugs, they are really strong and habit forming (even though they say they aren't).  Try teas, there are herbal teas like chamomille and 'sweet dreams' tea that are made for relaxing your nerves and helping you sleep better. If not, sounds childish but it works for me, drink warm milk with a drop of honey or artificial sweetener and it helps! if you sprinkle cinnamon it is really relaxing too.


    Sleep hygiene is always the best step, especially at your age. Follow the above strictly for a week or two. If you still have problems it may be best to see your GP to see if there's something neurologically wrong.

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