
Sleeping attack?sleep paralizes or spirit?

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what happen to me was about 3 or 4 months ago im recovoreverd from it.I have always believed in the after life actualy i think anything is possible.but what happened to me on that day idk.So i was at my dads house theres 3 rooms my dad stayed in the other one my grandparents and in the living room my sister and my couisin i was staying in a room by myself.I whoke up like at 8:30 and i was going to get up right i was stretching and then all of a sudden i couldnt move and i couldnt talk but i felt like i had preasure on top of me and i couldnt move and i felt like something or someone was trying to say something to me because i heard voices in my ear.

Then i when it got off i felt like the present was still in the room and i felt when it left.After that i went to the living room and i told my grandma she said to to church with her it was a sunday they always go so i went with them.I couldnt sleep liek for 2 weeks but i quickly got over it.I have reaserced what do u think it was?




  1. You experienced what is called sleep paralysis.

    EDIT: Unlike those above me who are in total denial of reality, I gave you an answer that is both simple and definitive.  It's frustrating to see people who say things like, "Sleep paralysis isn't real" or "It may be real, but not for me."  Such people are narcissistic in that they think they are sooo special that normal human conditions don't apply to them.

  2. Hello, What happened to you is you had an experience with astral projection. This is when your spirit leaves your body while you are asleep and visits people here or on the other side. You see- as you were waking up your spirit was re-entering your body. So the heaviness that you felt was your own spirit. This has happened to me several times. Before you go to sleep ask God to make sure that your spirit re-enters your body very fast. Or say aloud that you do not want to travel that night.  Blessings

  3. This is textbook sleep paralysis so don't listen to spiritual nuts and start thinking you have demons or poltergeists or anything else they can imagine up.

    It sucks, I've had it - it's NOT SUPERNATURAL.

  4. I disagree with the medical diagnosis of "sleep paralysis"; I, too have experienced this sort of paralysis, and fully believe it could have something to do with spirits. After all, what more evidence does the scientific theory give to what is actually taking place? It may be explained as paralysis, because that's simply what it is, but what causes it? Science has no explanation good enough for me...and this is commonly misdiagnosed. Especially if you heard voices! If it is spiritual, as long as you didn't experience anything overwhelmingly negative, I'd say it's something either positive or neutral; just try not to open your mind to that world before you go to sleep.

  5. I dont believe in Sleep Paraylsis is the answer to all experiences. I completely feel they are some kind of spiritual experiences, and i have had plenty of them.

  6. I really don't think it was sleep paralysis. I've had sleep paralysis myself a few times, and the most that you can really move are your eyelids, if even. And even so, when I get my eyes open, it's almost as if I can't even blink. Nothing else moves, and it's the worst experience in the world. Once, my body could kind of jerk around because I was fighting it HARD.

    That sounds either, like a possible medical issue you may have experienced, or some unexplainable, violent paranormal experience.

    But if you were able to get up and stretch, well then I would completely rule out sleep paralysis because you successfully "woke up" and moved.....

  7. Sleep paralysis is ALL THAT THIS IS.  It's very common, the weight on you and so forth is experienced by many people. There are NO demons, NO ghosts, NOTHING SUPERNATURAL.  Seriously don't believe any of that garbage.  All these people giving you b*llsh*t replies of a new age nature or anything paranormal-related here should be ashamed of themselves and if they aren't they should get their heads read.

    I have had this occur to me many times though less and less as I've gotten older.  I'm now 30 and I have this occur maybe twice per year as opposed to around 7 times or so per year from about eight years old up until about twenty-five.  It's natural and happens to loads of people.

    Put it this way, try to imagine a time before good scientific method was prevalent and where superstition ruled your every day life.  h**l, imagine a time before that.  Can you imagine what people thought when they were paralyzed in their sleep, sometimes accompanied by seeing various things at the time?  That's partly where all the crackpot nonsense comes from associated with this.  Don't listen to it.  It's all out of fear that you see/hear these things while you are going through the paralysis and it can be scary, extremely scary.  Same as any audible hallucinations that come with it, it's just fear causing it.  

    After a while I got used to it and nothing appeared anymore, it's still a little stressful when it happens though not as much as it used to be.  I'm not afraid of it anymore.

    Just don't delude yourself into explanations given to you from witches, religious folk or paranormal research.  This is a well researched area of science, I hope you to will end up like me, knowing what's happening, being frustrated you can't jerk yourself out of it (though I know of people who say they can) but knowing simply that you have to wait it out and no demonic force or other such nonsense is behind it all.  Don't be gullible, it is a natural occurrence.

    Hopefully you'll never have it again, many people never experience it.  I wish you all the best.

    P.S.  Do some more research on sleep paralysis, that would be the best advice I could give.

  8. honestly it was a djinn, the next time that happens say, In the name of GOD, i seek refuge with you from the rejected ones, and that works everytime for me.  Its important not to fear others besides GOD also.

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