
Sleeping birds?

by Guest63826  |  earlier

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were do birds sleep ? i see them during the day but not at night




  1. first as a rule . .  Birds DO NOT sleep in their nests. . .

    Only a mother bird incubating her eggs will stay in the nest but even the she wont be fully asleep as she is keeping an eye out for predators.

    Most birds roost together in flocks . . . up in trees in barns, wherever they can

    domestic birds like chickens perch in their coops just like mine do;)

    But other birds like . .  geese and ducks sleep on the ground in their coop. . or hidden in vegetation trying to stay camouflaged from foxes etc.

    then you have nocturnal birds like owls they sleep by day and go hunting at night . . . and sleep again, roosting in a tree or a barn hence one of  the reason "Barn owls" are named so . .

    you see birds only during the day because during daylight hours they are out and about foraging, making nests etc and at night they roost (and it is dark) so you can't see them

    But they are there.

  2. During breeding season, birds sleep in their nests, with their eggs/babies. When it isn't breeding season and birds aren't tied to nests, they sleep in all sorts of places, but they generally try to find hidden places where nocturnal predators (such as owls) won't find them. This can mean natural places such as tree branches that are hidden behind thick foliage, or tucked into dense shrubbery, as well as ledges under eaves, amongst the struts supporting bridges, in chimneys, in attics or tool sheds or garages that have open windows or some other access point, and some smaller species like chickadees even wedge themselves into crevices in the bark of trees, so that all you see is a little feathery butt sticking out.

  3. in there nest omg i so smart

  4. they sleep in their nest where is located in the trees or bushes

  5. the first answerer so smart! i agree with him

  6. They are still there.  They sleep in nests, trees, brush...

  7. in the trees, in their nests. dee dee dee.

  8. there are many places! on trees at highest branches covered well with leafs, thick branches of tree where they get better grip, and in cities even in our pots of leafy and floral plants, where they feel secure and uninterrupted. in the balcony of empty houses and on top of a/c compressors and other such boxes or roof in balcony. hope this one helps. nwxt time if you want to find them, go under a tree around 6pm and you will find them setteling for nap on appropriate places.

  9. birds goto bed just like us lol

    x x x
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