
Sleeping disorder or spirits?

by  |  earlier

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ever since i was in elementary i would get "held down" in my sleep. i wouldn't be able to move talk, but my eyes could open. it happened to me alot in inter and highschool. almost everyday. i went to ahealr and it stopped for couple months but it started happening again. it hasn't happened to me for a while now maybe once in a while i am 22. but i've read online about sleeping disorders so i really wanna know if this has happened to u, what do u think it is. i have heard so many different stories and explanations i don't know what to believe.




  1. try lighting a candle outside then bring it into the house as you do recite;if you are not here with light and love, please leave now!

    as you go right to you bed,keep reciting those words and put out the candle and go to sleep.

  2. maybe it's sleep paralysis,.. i ask that question a few days ago and they said it's sleep paralysis or sleeping paralysis,.. just have a research bout it

  3. Hiya,

    I've had the same thing from time to time since I can remember. Sleep paralysis or night terrors is what they are usually called. I've found that in my case they were related to a lack of quality sleep.

    As people, we need to have deep REM sleep and dream to function best. If your sleep is sometimes broken or you're staying up too late and getting up early it brings on these bad nights.

    When you go to bed you are kind of 'plunged' into a deep sleep but your brain isn't ready. Your body can't move and your brain begins to dream but you are still conscious. I've fought shadows, swore and shouted to wake up. I've been incredibly angry at shapes or figures that wish me no good. At the time it can be deeply frightening. I've woken soaking wet and fiercly hot. I've annoyed one ot two girlfiends too! Afterwards I usually go into a deep, dream filled sleep.

    To stop it, try and get a more regular sleeping pattern, stay away from coffee or tea at night. It's nothing weirder than human nature in action!

    This is a copy/paste from a similar question I answered

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