
Sleeping for 18 hours?

by  |  earlier

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How could I sleep for 18 hours straight?




  1. ...why do you need to?

    sleeping pills maybe. i dont know.

  2. soft bed with warm blankies and soft pillow

  3. UH....thats a lot.

  4. eh if you let me i would do it every night but alas i have to live life...maybe you have a low iron level(anemia)? check your iron ...if its not that then maybe you are just tired...h**l!people complain they cant sleep..why complain when you can? enjoy it!

  5. There are natural remedies that you can buy, that aid sleep. Alternatively you could try eating sleepy foods as a snack before bedtime.

    Peanut butter sandwich & a glass of warm milk with honey.

    Apple-pie & sugar free ice-cream.

    Whole grain cereal ( avoid those loaded with sugar & additives )

    Slice of whole-wheat toast with low fat cheese.


    Other foods to aid sleep.

    Honey, almonds, bananas, seafood, meats, poultry, whole grains, beans, rice, oatmeal, hummus, lentils, turkey, hazelnuts, peanuts.

    Good Luck. Long may you sleep. X :-)

  6. Crank your AC to the top

    strip to your underwear

    make everythint really dark in teh room

    eat well before u go to sleep

    so u dont wake up at night

    hit the sack REALLY tired

    like go to the beach and then after exercising go to sleep
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