
Sleeping habits for 3 year old?

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My son has had 2 colds the past 3-4 weeks but has been completely fine in behaviour, only has a snotty nose basically!

My question is he's been sleeping through the day for about 3 hours, when normally his sleep times range between an hour and a half or 2 hours. Do you think 3 hours is a really long time for a 3 year old to be sleeping through the day? He's also sleeping well at night (as far as I know) apart from the occasional whinge for water (at 3am in the morning!) or if he's pee'd the bed or had a nightmare etc etc. Thanks in advance :)




  1. When I was little I used to fall asleep any were and every were whenever lol hes just being a kid.

    i'm 17 and i still get worn out in the day and take really long naps or i get tired and grumpy like when i was that age lol.

    and if hes been sick when your sleeping your bodys healing so maybe hes just getting well.

    As long as hes still falling asleep at an aprotie time and not being a hassle about bed time at night its ok :)

  2. He's 3 right? They sleep whenever, wherever! ;)

    It will change all the time. Just think of it as an extended nap like what adults sometimes partake in lol

  3. Sounds normal to me. His body will have him sleep if he needs it, either to heal and kick a illness he has/or had, for growth spurts, teething. Don't worry as long as he eats normal and is happy then let him nap. Enjoy it while he still does..:)

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