
Sleeping in own cot in own room after co-sleeping

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Did anyone find that their baby slept better when they started putting baby in their own cot in their own room. My son is 9 months old and he currently sleeps with me in my bed but am thinking of trying to put him in his own cot, I know it's going to be hard but he currently is attached to my boob all night. What have been your experiences going from co-sleeping to baby's own cot? Did it take long?




  1. We are currently working on getting our 6 month old to sleep in her own bed in her room.  We are starting out slowly though.  Right now she just naps in there during the day and starts out there at night.  When she wakes up in the night she usually ends up back in bed with us.  

    It seemed to help that we started her out just napping in there.  She got used to the new surroundings.

  2. are you saying cot as in a crib?

    our daughter was the same way but low and behold, she did just fine going from our bed to the crib. she slept better and so did we!

    try it out, you have nothing to lose.  

  3. It was hard but we did it eventually. We lived with my mum at the time so his crib was still in our room but I felt it would have been easier if it he'd had his own room. We just put a chair next to his crib and gradually moved it away over time. The hardest bit was to get him to actually fall asleep in his crib. Once he'd done that, he was much better during the night. We never did the crying out method, we always picked him up and said the same thing, "its bed time, night night." My advice is once you decide to do it, don't go back. Stick to it and eventually a better nights sleep will be had by all.  

  4. My son and daughter were both about 9 months old when I put them in their own beds at night.  Your first step is to get him to stop nursing at night.  He doesn't need it all night at this age.  My children got to the point where they tossed and turned and were waking up and waking me and my husband up.  One night we put them in their own bed.  My daughter took a couple of nights of some whimpering and then was fine, my son took to his own bed right away and has never looked back.  

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