I am having problems with my oldest who is 23 months old in 5 days. She used to be a great sleeper, from the day she came home from the hospital she always slept from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am with naps during the day. Now she is waking up extremely early, think 4:30 am, and making up the lost sleep during her nap. I have tried putting her to bed later, but she gets extremely cranky and actually goes to her bed on her own without me doing anything, at 7:00 pm she will crawl into bed and say "night night!" I dont know what to do, I am getting tired of waking up at 4:30 am, I thought this was just a phase but t has been happening now for about 2 months. Last night was the kicker for me, I woke up at 3:30 am to feed my son for 30 minutes (he's a bit sick) and then I was up 30 minutes later, ugh. Any suggestions on what to do?