
Sleeping on planes?

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I am going to japan for a holiday and the flight back is all night. I want to be able to go to school the day that i get back for swimming (i know, im probebly crazy for wanting to do that, but!) and im not sure if i will be able to sleep sitting in my seat.

Does anyone have any tips for getting to sleep on planes - not using anything such as sleeping tablets?

Thanks :)




  1. Umm its more of a just sleep. lol I was never a believer of pills. but if you manage to go to school the day after, all the power to you. The jetlag is amazing. haha

  2. Well I took a 12 hour flight to Italy and it was rough.  I did take sleeping pills though.  I was out for the entire ride and it was nice.  Im not sure how else you're going to do this- sleeping on planes is rough.  

    And yes, jet lag will catch up with you- very quickly.  I slept for weeks after I got home.  Not because of those darn pills either!

    Have a great time.  I've always wanted to go!!

  3. I hate flying. Went to the US last year and loved it. However I hate the big planes, and love the small ones. I drank the entire way from LA to Sydney and still could not sleep.  Sorry, Don't know.

  4. Sheer boredom is usually enough to put people to sleep.  It is difficult to sleep on demand without drugs.  The easy way is to not sleep the night before, but you might throw off your sleep cycle if you skip sleep.

  5. If you are flying JAL then you won't be bored...they have a great movie and game selection! But, the best thing to do is where a watch set to your home time zone. When it is your regular bedtime (at home, not in Japan) go to sleep. You may not want to..but try (a Tylenol PM really helps.) Wake up at a normal time. Then to help with jet lag DO NOT go to sleep until it is within a few hours of your bedtime in your home time zone. Everyday work your way to being on time.

  6. well you are going to have jetlag youll be tired

  7. The only thing that I've ever tried that has not failed me is to basically stay awake for the entire 24-hour period preceding the flight. However, given the adjustments a body makes and can make on its own vary so greatly, it might work for you or it might have the completely opposite effect and set everything even more topsy-turvy. This is what works from my own experience, that's all I can tell you! ;)
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