
Sleeping on your stomach/back while pregnant?

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I am the kind of sleeper than constantly turns. I start out for instance on my back, switch to left side, switch to stomach, switch to right side and then to back again. I change positions alot while sleeping.

I am currently 6 months pregnant - 25 weeks. I still sleep on my stomach and back. It hasn't got too uncomfortable for me yet, actually laying flat on my back seems to help my back pain rather than add to it.

However - how would I know if im causing any harm to my baby? I've read sleeping on your back can cut off the blood circulation and other harmful things to the baby.

I just cant seem to get comfortable enough to stay on my sides. I try using my body pillow but it doesnt seem to help. But at this point in pregnancy should I be trying extremely hard to stay on my sides while sleeping or laying down?

Whenever I lay on the couch, it's usually on my back and she kicks like normal. How would I know if it's causing her any harm??




  1. The way you will know if you are causing harm is your body will let you know.  When the blood supply gets cut off (which they say it does when sleeping on your back while pregnant) you will get dizzy, out of breath, legs may go numb and you will know you need to roll over.  You will pretty much do it automatically.  So many people frighten pregnant women about sleeping on their backs, but have you ever heard a woman say "my baby died because I slept on my back."  You haven't and that is because you will if anything is happening know long long long before any harm could be done because you will feel it first.  You are fine.  Dont let people worry you about that.

  2. I was just in with the dr today, I am 24 weeks pregnant and having a terrible time with my back.  I let her know that on top of the back pain, my husband is pushing me on my side every night since I flip to my back in the middle of the night.  She said the baby is not heavy enough yet to cut off its oxygen and by the time they are, you are too awkward to lay on your back.  She also said that no baby has ever died from someone laying on their back.  Hope that makes you feel a little better!    

  3. I know everyone says to not sleep on your ride side or your back, but if you ask older women such as your mother or aunts or even your grandmother they will probably tell you they have never even heard of that. At least they all looked at me crazy. I asked the same question before but then I started to notice my baby would let me know when he wasn't comfortable. I don't sleep on my right side because I find it really hard to breath but I will sleep on my back all night. So, You might as well sleep while you can.

  4. Whatever you do Don't sleep on your tummy!!!

    sleeping on your back may or not be bad depending on where the baby is attached for that reason its good if you limit the amount of time on your back.

    I found sleeping with a big body pillow helped me to sleep on my side (I needed it between my legs and ankles for me to be able to sleep on my side) hope you find something that works for you and is healthy for baby.

  5. It's not good to sleep on your back after the 1st trimester.I know it might be uncomfortable but do the sacrafice for your little one.You're half way there anyhow.Don't be selfish.

  6. I asked a question like this awhile back. You should not be sleeping on your stomach anymore and try your hardest not to on your back. I too am 25 weeks and I still end up tossing around between my sides and back but my fiance usually wakes me up a couple times a night telling me to stop laying on my back. Just try your hardest to sleep on your side and you should be fine.

  7. I bet its really stressful for you; having no energy and no sleep too.

    i dont think you would cause much harm, if any at all. and the moment you would cause harm you would know about it, you would be dizzy; sick etc. etc.

    but my advice is too sleep which ever way you find comfiest.

    i would speak to your health visitor / midwife. she would be able to give you better and more advice.

    hope i helped, and good luck!!


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