
Sleeping paralysis?

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When I was younger, I use to get this all, ALL the time. It was normal for me, it scared me but I just always get used to it. It happens every night and right now, sometimes. But mine is different compare to my brothers, etc. The same man keeps coming back, again and again. Theres a man that always follows me, when I was born and until now. I usaully see him face to face when its night but I can sometimes see him in day and I know he's following me because I can sense spirts. I can't see his face (only body) but I belive he's a demon. The sleeping paralysis is really scary. When I'm frozen, the mans voice is always wispering inside of my ear and always says the most scariest, evil things. Always involved with dark, evil, blood, Satan, h**l etc. I didn't understand about devils or whatever but when I learned, I was scared. Theres other stuff that he whispers inside my ear that is really disturbing. Is this normal and how can I stop?




  1. What Jo said, except that frequent and repeated sleep paralysis is a disorder. It is quite common for people to experience this a few times during their lives.

  2. When you are paralyzed it is often the attack of a psychic vampire in astral form. Look up books on psychic self defense. If you feel drained afterwords, then that is another sign. Obviously your sleep can not be rest full with it being interupted so much. You need either a good "ward" to place under your pillow or around your bed, and worse case scenario, which is what it seems like, you need an experienced psychic to take care of the problem. This entity is obviously strong, intelligent, and experienced.

  3. Sleep paralysis is a sleep disorder. When we sleep we produce a chemical that stops us acting out our dreams, if we wake too soon we can suffer whats is known as sleep paralysis. It is very frequently connected to very real halucinations known as hypnagogic halucinations. These can be sometimes very frightening.

    If you suffer from this more than once a week for over 6 months your doctor may be able to do something to help you. Apparently it is said that prozac or other similar antidepressants help but I personally wouldnt go down that road.

    The best way to stop this happening is to make sure you  ....

    are getting enough sleep

    reduce stress

    exercise regularly (but not too close to bedtime)

    keep a regular sleep schedule

    Hope this helps

  4. Ok doll. I've been suffering from this for a long time. What you HAVE to do is PRAY before you got to sleep. A pyschic told me this ten years ago and trust me it works! He explained that if you are "gifted" you can come under spiritual attack. You must pray for protection from GOD before falling asleep. I can not stress to you how important this is. Whenever I forget to pray for more than two nights in a row, I come under attack. God is real and you can not battle demons without his protection. Don't listen to that pyschobabble about sleep paralysis..I am a witness that this is a spiritual undertaken. God bless.

  5. Wait, you see him face to face at night, but while you are asleep or awake? And what do you mean in the day, like when you nod off?

    EDIT:  I do not see why a demon would follow you from birth. So you see it while you are awake? If you and you brother are both experiencing simular symptons, maybe it is psychological and runs in the family genes. Have you seen a doctor for this?

    If it is a paranormal thing, tell it to get the fck away from you, you can not be scared of it, do not allow anything to have power over your feelings. If you are religious, like myself, ask God for strength and help. GL.

  6. Spirit Guides are with you from birth and sleep paralyses opens us up to seeing th other side, However it also tricks the brain into a few delusions-which are more negative and scary. Anything that is 'evil' sounding is from your own mind. There is no demon around you. Sleep paralysis can be caused by a lot of things, iron defects, hypoglycimia. seek a doctors help.

  7. I think it is your punishment or the man has related to you
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