
Sleeping problem??????

by  |  earlier

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i ahve trouble sleeping at night. i will lay down at like 10 o clock and will toss and turn until about 2:00. i need to start falling to sleep earlier becasue school is starting soon. HELP!




  1. I'm 16, I have school tomorrow and it's 2.14 am here in Australia. Okay, for me I have only two real cures. 1. Get rid of ALL distractions, computers, tv, video games etc. and dont go back to them that night, just force yourself to sleep. AND/OR Try a herbal tea like chamomile (it tastes kinda like apple) with a relaxation cd or mediatation. These do require practice though. Visiting your GP for sleeping pills is pretty useless since they dont like prescribing because of the age, the fact they they are addictive (u will always nee dthem to sleep), and they dont allow your brain to enter the deeper stages. Hoped that helps.

  2. Try just relaxing for a half hour before you go to bed.  You can exercise, but don't do it too close to bedtime (at least two hours before bedtime) because exercise causes an adrenaline release and then you will not be able to sleep until your system settles down.  You might want to make sure your mattress is either soft enough for firm enough to make you comfortable.  Do not have caffeine or sugar right before bed.  If you are hungry try a banana or a glass of milk and crackers.  

    If you are still not sleeping, talk to your doctor.  You could have a sleeping disorder or another physical reason for not being able to sleep.  Mine was hyperthyroidism.  Once that was taken care of, I was able to go to sleep right away  

  3. Try doing some moderate exercising before you go to sleep. I have this same problem on my off days from work and I find that if you do some type of exercise to tire yourself out before bedtime, it helps. You can also read a book, walk your dog, or clean your room. Basically it's anything that will stimulate your mind.

  4. Don't eat after 6. Have a warm glass of milk before you go to bed.

    If that doesn't work, you may have Insomnia. Talk to your doctor about that.

  5. get new mattress count till 100 in ur head while closing eyes it helps me!

  6. seek help. maybe sleeping pills. what has happened in your life recently that could of affect your sleeping patterns.

  7. Natural remedies include warm milk, melatonin, valerian, 5-HTP and others that you can find in a web search for "natural sleep remedies".

  8. Some information is missing about yourself ....I seriously do not know what you may be hiding...???

    From your question...go see a shrink...if too expensive try sleeping tablet or else face up with your demonds...!!!

    Honestly is the best policy ...Im not here to judge you ...pls iron out your  own fears...!!!
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