
Sleeping problems!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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For over months now i haven't been able to sleep well, but over the last week i have been to sleep about 1 hour a night. The thing is i am tied i just cant and wont go to sleep.The really weird thing is that when i do go to sleep i kind of feel guilty-i know its weird lol but I'm sooo out of energy though, and i haven't eaten for some days.

Its 5.03am now and i ant been to sleep! I am seeing people for my depression-could my sleep be anything to do with it?

And anyone got any tips?





  1. I had the same problem and I tried lavender oil, it works for me .

  2. I suggest you get a thorough check up with a medical dr, with complete blood work, etc.. It sounds like you have a medical problem, not a psychological one.  There are many things that can be contributing to your non-sleeping problem.  Please schedule an appointment soon.

  3. Over-tiredness and depression can become a vicious circle - one feeding the other.

    Anxiety can keep the sub-conscious mind active (often magnifying perceived problems) with resulting loss of sleep - more tiredness - etc, etc, etc.

    With no medical qualifications - but 50 years experience of similar - I'd offer the following tips:

    Avoid prescription drugs - the uppers and downers often dished out for those who are subject to depression.  I took them for years on end and only found they left my mind confused - somewhat vacuous.

    Bear in mind we don't all conform to the rigours of a strict 24 hour day - rising/setting of the sun.

    Many of us have different body-clocks +/- a few hours - which creates problems if we have be at our work place - on the dot - 24/7.  

    We can survive for up to 6 weeks, without food or water, but only 3 days without sleep (before the brain starts going wonky.)

    So it's hugely important you resolve the sleep problem. Find a good friend to discuss problems with - be open/honest unafraid to say what's causing you any anxiety. If your body clock is out of synch with a 24 hour day - try to adjust for it - or accept you'll have highs & lows

    if required to fit in a 'regular' routine.

    Warm baths, relaxing music and a mug of chocolate help - as also does reading yourself to sleep with a good book (Jane Austen in particular.)   Hope some of this helps.


  4. Try having a bath

    Before you sleep

    It should relax you a bit more.

  5. I suggest Magnesium, try it in powder form, you can find it in most health food stores. Or try meditation too.

  6. I used to suffer from insomnia and Major depression and would end up being up for most of the night. Depression could be a factor of your problem. I'd feel inclined to keep away from medication and try alternative methods.

    I tried something called brainwave entrainment and by listening to tones through headphones when going to bed I was able to get rid myself of insomnia and depression. Try the insomnia MP3 in my resource box and see if that helps you.

  7. Go back to your doctor and explain your situation,he or she will be able to help you.

  8. If you're sleeping as little as you say you are, you are very sleep deprived. Something is either wrong physically or emotionally. Some prescriptions for depression can cause insomnia. If you're taking one, ask if you can take a different one.  

  9. It could be that you are worried about too many things.  

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