
Sleeping question?!?

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sometimes right before i'm about to fall asleep i get the feeling i'm falling off a cliff, then i like shake out of it and wake up.

who else gets this? how do i get it to not happen?!?!




  1. Yes. That happens to me a lot too!  I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one!

  2. I get this all they time! I think it's a brain f**t or your about to fall asleep and you body thinks of something and that's it's way to wake you up. I don't know how to stop it. I'm not sure you can.  

  3. HOLY c**p I GET THAT ALL THE TIME. but when im awake. ill just be like standing out. and than i feel like im falling and than i like stumble and sometimes fall but i never moved to begin with.

    i doubt its stopable

  4. I get it all the time. I call it the AHHH! then wake up screaming boody murder effect. it's an evolutionary effect. Just as we dose off to sleep was when we were most vulnerable when we lived in the wild. Just get REALLY sleepy and then go to sleep. (excersice more.) (or work harder and mentally exhaust yourself.)

  5. i HATE that.  it happens just randomly.  it's just a random dream.  means nothing.  i especially hate it when it happens during my school sleeping escapades.  people laugh. lol .  you can't stop it from happening, just deal with it :P

  6. it happens to me all the time.

    there is no way to stop it.

    but make sure you wake up before you hit the ground, because once you hit the ground you'll die; in real life..

  7. i do get this sometimes, not sure why!  :-) i think the kind of dreams you have has a lot to do with what you eat right before bed, try and changeing it up a bit, that could help.

  8. i get this to and it totaly freaked me out for a while until i learned its just how your brain reacts to going to sleep.

  9. It's called a hypnagogic hallucination. Here's an explanation of why it happens.

  10. this happens to me, don't know why it happens but i kinda like the feeling.

  11. I get that same feeling like your falling off of something but your only in the center of the bed I don't know wha this feeling is though sorry

  12. Happens to me all of the time but I usually think that i am walking around and I trip/fall down stairs.  I have no idea how to stop it though, sorry  

  13. I have them frequently, usually when over-tired. It's particularly embarrassing when it happens in a room full of people!!!

  14. it happens to me but instead of falling off a cliff, falling off a bike..

    just try not to think about it

    and no tv before sleeping

  15. Yeah I've had that dream...but usually I'm walking down the sidewalk and I trip and I jump out of my sleep...there really isn't a way to stop it; it's just natural. You are sort of half asleep and half awake. If you have this dream repeatedly though perhaps seeing a doctor wouldn't be a bad idea.

  16. this used to happen to me. and all you can do to solve it is get better sleeps.  i used to get aabout 3 hours of sleep a day, and i would then have weird ways to wake up.  Hope this helps!

  17. This same feeling used to happen to me when I was younger.  I was told by my school friends, "If you don't wake out of the fall before you hit the ground you'll die for sure."  But being the adventurous one that I am, I forced myself to finish the fall.  It took several dreams/ falls to succeed because I would wake up but I finally fell all the way - several times and landed on my feet.  Kind of like Superman.  Now that I am older I don't have the falling dreams anymore.  I miss them.

  18. yea that feeling that your falling off your feet. tripping or something.

    i know what you mean.

    idk the psychological reason (lol, gonna study pyschology this upcoming year)

    it might have something to do with occurrences during the day.

    idk, for sure, but its a very interesting topic

  19. I get those, a lot.

    But what I see and feel is that I am riding a bike and I fall.

    There's no way to not make it happen. It's completely normal :)

    Don't worry about it.

  20. I get this too.  Not that often, but I do.  It's scary! Strangely, it never happens if I fall asleep with the tv on.  

  21. happens to me ,, but for me im falling of from a swing lol ... theres nothing you can really do to stop it, just let it happen and dose right back to sleep. its a state of sub conscience.

  22. You should be lucky that you don't actually hit the ground because if you were to fall in a dream and hit the ground and die there is the possibility of such a shock that you actually do die! apparently.

    As for getting it not to happen, there are a few things.  First is to try to stop anything that really works your mind at least twenty minutes before you're going to sleep.  So whether it be playing video games, computer games, handheld games, etc, all these things cause you to be kinda "high strung" i guess? and if you stop playing them at least twenty minutes before you go to sleep it gives your mind time to relax and your reflexes arent on high like they were to play the game.  

    drinking warm milk (microwave it!) is a good relaxation technique to help your body chill right before bed.

    the falling is a sign of an over-active mind so finding any way to relax before sleep will help to eliminate this.  

    good luck

  23. Hey there.

    The feeling youre getting is a stage one sleep jerk.

    I've studied psychology, and you get this feeling because your brain is just about to start slowing down. Chemicals in the brain which are still active when you attempt sleep don't want to stop functioning and therefore try to wake you up.

    There is no way to stop this other than to be totally relaxed when you go to bed, which still can't guarantee it will stop,

    but don't stress. Its totally normal.

  24. That happens to me ALL the time, sometimes right as I'm about to fall asleep and sometimes when i'm already sleeping. I find that it usually happens when I sleep with the light, tv, or other sort of distracting or loud noise is present. Try and make sure all the lights are dim or off and there isn't any noise. Also, stay at a temperature that is most comfortable to you. Sweet dreams :]
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