
Sleeping routine for a two week old

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My two week old has her days and nights mixed up. I have been told to keep her awake, and the opposite, let a baby sleep. WHAT IS BEST??? Her 10pm feeding is the worse, we try to keep her up for at least two hours so that her 1am feeding she will stay asleep for at least 3 hours, but doesnt seem to work. I am now giving her 3oz to keep her tummy full longer but she doesnt get the full three hour sleep. Help???




  1. When I son was a that young we had the same problems, the best thing we did was let him sleep and eat when he was ready to. We could not really force him to do either one. It will all work its self out in the long run. If you do have trouble getting her to sleep, I would try swaddling her in a blanket. I swore by this in getting our son to sleep and keeping him asleep a little longer. You may already know this, but I hope I helped a little bit.

  2. I am a mother of two.The first one is 4 and the second is three weeks old.Baby will soon settle into a routine and eventually sleep through the night so until then just take naps when the baby does.My first child woke up like every hour or so to eat and I was always so tired but the new baby sleeps much longer .Also if you are not a single mother then take turns with the feedings so that way you get a little extra sleep.If you are nursing pump.Thats what me and my hubby do he enjoys feeding her it gives him one on one daddy bonding time.I just pump after every nursing.I put some of it in the freezer for when I have to go back to work and some in the fridge for him to feed her with.Well I hope that helps a little.Just remember sleep when you can and baby grows up way to fast.

  3. When baby is tired, baby is going to sleep....period.  You are not going to have any significant impact on an infant's sleeping rhythms this early into the game.

    This is why marriage requires TWO responsible adults.  Daddy has to bite the bullet and get up his share of the time.

    The baby will eventually settle into a routine, especially after she starts getting soft foods which will keep her satisfied longer.

    Be patient.  Meanwhile, during the day...when baby sleeps, you need to catch a quick nap too.  You are only human.

  4. There is no such thing as a sleeping routine for a 2 week old. Let the baby sleep when she wants and sleep when she sleeps so you aren't completely exhausted.

  5. Hi,

    My baby was born in april & she was also jaundice 7 we had to wake her every 3 hous to feed.. i posted a simular question when i was going through what you were cos i just didnt know what to do cos i had the exact same trouble.... well, one thing i can say is that he is just 2 weeks old... babies at 2 weeks should not have a routine.. follow his lead & he will settle into a routine when he is ready.. I know its hard & tiring but now my little girl sleeps through the night....... he is going through growth spurrts at this age thats why he wakes up all the time...... Good luck... it will get so much easier dont worry!!

  6. I feel your pain.  My baby is now 7 weeks and just as of 3 days ago she started "out of the blue" sleeping close to 5 hours one night, then 6 hours the next night and she slept 7 hours straight last night!!!!  I don't know if she all of the sudden got her days and nights straightened out, but it is WONDERFUL!!!  At 2 weeks there is really not much you can do, I know.... I tried.  You will just need to wait it out a little longer.  It slowly gets better.  Now if I could figure out how to stop her from crying all the time..... hmmmmmm...

    Good Luck!

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